Theatre Is A Fine Art
Keerthana Venkatesh
Author, Journalist, Marketing Head, Content Curator, Blogger & Compere
I often wonder why people call theatre a play. There is so much of energy, heart and soul that is poured into every performance that calling it a play seems to trivialize it to something no greater than a child’s play. As an avid theatre audience and an amateur theatre artiste, I’ve been a part of the process and have watched it from a distance to instantly note the levels of energy, time and effort invested in every performance.
Now, when I say theatre is a fine art, I don’t mean to call it a subject of fine art, but an art that is absolute in finesse. Theatre is like life… it is life on a stage. There are no cuts, no retakes, no stammering or forgetting dialogues. You say it and act it, and the deed is done. Just like how people in real life either love you or dislike you, it’s the same with theatre – audience either love your performance or dislike it – there is no in-between. Read More