That’s your spacesuit for the duration of the trip!
Denis Gorce-Bourge MANLP - RMT
Leadership Specialist, International Executive Coach, Facilitator, Mindful Leadership Coach, Senior Consultant, Board Adviser, Speaker & Author
In order to come to this world, you need a spacesuit that is called body. This suit is your vehicle for your all life. When the suit is done and need replacement, you go back to where you came from.
You come here to experience free wheel and forget everything you knew before to enter the playground.
You learn to become autonomous and grow according to your environment: your parents, your siblings, your family and the rest of the world around you.
Then, you make your own experiences and become conditioned with what you learned from it. Depending on your mindset and what you already learned, you’ll decide what is positive and what is negative. Based on that, you’ll spend most of your life trying to avoid what you call negative experiences trying to find what you call good ones.
For some, one day, some deeper questions emerge at the surface of the mind. What am I doing here? What is the meaning of life? What is my life purpose? For some, it is the beginning of a life long path of research, work, curiosity, discovery and the realisation that unlearning is the greatest way to find the real YOU. Under the surface, at the core of what we can call the spark of life, there are treasures to be found, to be unveiled and to be integrated in a new YOU, cleaned up of most of the conditioning.
Most of us identify with the suit and create an ego self that is completely assimilated with the body. Then, the body is the main concern and the greatest source of fear of losing it.
The body is a manifestation of a unique spark of consciousness, vibrating at a certain frequency and made of energy and consciousness itself.
You can go through your life on earth as a tourist experiencing what happens without further questions or start asking questions. It doesn’t mean you’ll find answers but you’ll have to question what you think you know to open to new possibilities and exit the certitude of what you consider reality, which is the first step towards freedom.