That's a Wrap!
University Media Services often hosts webinars for the Suffolk community for a number of departments on a variety of topics including Orientations, DEI initiatives, Professional And Career Development and Ford Hall Forums, to name but a few. This week, UMS hosted a webinar for Suffolk Law Character and Fitness MA Bar Prep Info session led by Kandace Kukas, Esq., Executive Director, of Massachusetts Board of Bar Examiners Session.
University Media Services continues its on-going support for the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s Oral Argument livestream. This month featured the landmark and public spotlight case of Karen Read where attorneys for Karen Read argued where the trial judge granted a mistrial on three indictments, the defendant was appealing the denial of a motion to dismiss two of the indictments, claiming that the jury had agreed to acquit the defendant on those two charges, even though there was no such verdict announced in open court.
Then, on Thursday was one of my personal favorite events of the year is the Veteran’s Day lunch where Suffolk honors their current students who are members of the armed forces and recognizes not only them, but alum as well, in their service to our country.
Keynote speaker was Suffolk Law Alum, Jay Tangney, Suffolk’s Construction’s General Counsel, responsible for overseeing the Legal Team and national ethics and compliance program. Jay also leads Suffolk Construction’s support of Veteran and military outreach through donations and volunteerism, as well as enhancing internal strategies and creating initiatives to recruit, honor, and support veteran employees. Jay also played an instrumental role in establishing the Suffolk University's Veterans Legal Service Project.
UMS, also assisted with The Data Privacy & Cybersecurity Law Association (DPCLA) at Suffolk University Law School, in collaboration with the Journal of High Technology (JHT) and the Legal Innovation & Technology Student Association (LITSA) with their event titled "Age of AI: The Role of Privacy & Legal Technology.”
Organized by Abbas Kizilbash, CIPP/US, this event explored the intersection of AI, privacy, and legal technology while also launching a mentorship program connecting students with attorneys in tech-related fields. Keynote speaker Suffolk Law Dean Andrew Perlman, moderator Julia Rodgers, Esq. (Suffolk Law alum & CEO of HelloPrenup), and a panel of distinguished experts engaged in discussions followed by audience Q&A.
UMS also lent a hand to the Suffolk Law Professional and Career Development office for their webinar: So You Didn’t Pass the Bar — What’s Next? Meanwhile in the Law School’s McLaughlin Courtroom, the Suffolk Law Review hosted a lecture by Chief Justice Tracy-Lee Lyons of the Boston Municipal Court,?with guests Hon. Lisa A. Grant,?First Justice Boston Municipal Court, Charlestown Division;?and Sheila C. Casey, Esq., Director of Specialty Courts, Executive Office of the Trial Court where they discussed Specialty Courts and Behavioral Health Initiatives as part of the Law Review's on going Donahue Lecture series.
Another week in the books...and most of these events were all on one day!
With Veteran's Day on Monday, we all get to have a long weekend. BUT remember, honor our veterans by:
Until next time....