That’s why we can’t have nice things?
Top of the weekend my friend! In honor of Mother’s Day, I’ve taken on the unenviable task of exploring “How Mother’s do it!? Cliff notes answer: Emotional involvement and Spiritual Insight! Let me try to explain:
Whatever the emergency Mom is always on the frontline. The first to heal your hurts. “Come over here baby. Let me kiss it. Do you feel better”? And as a young child, you actually did! Love is a wonderful thing!!
Here’s why? God designed her to relate to our deepest intrinsic interests. And “yes” that embodies quite a few eccentricities. Which is needed to solve the mysteries of our individual natures.
Every kid is a unique cultural stereotype. A “one of a kind” human being. Yet Motherhood is a familiar nepotism that somehow completely understands.
Sometimes that means tough love! For instance, the? “This is gonna hurt me more than it’s gonna hurt you” moment. Your thoughts?
“I don’t think so” Immediately comes to mind! For some of us even today we cringe!! However now as a parent you can understand it better. Train a child in the way, they should grow is vitally important. You have to make sure “they know” the difference between right and wrong. Right? After all, the degree of wrong in the judicial system is a hurt that’s nearly impossible to never recover from.
Back in the day, just before the late news. The announcer would ask “Do you know where your children are?” Yep!!! said my mother.? Life lessons should reinforce good behavior. Because there are more sinister consequences for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.? Nowadays!!
Let’s face it Mom, life ain’t fair? No mother’s technique was perfect. More often than not, it was the best they could do…wasn’t it? How many times did you hear “I’ll give you something to cry about”? The very thought of those consequences would immediately dry your eyes.
The sentimentality and wisdom of motherhood would involve "role playing moments" like: “if Johnny jumped off the bridge would you”?
Here’s where you remain silent, because anything ask or say will held against in? Mom’s court of law! By the way, for the record, you probably would have jumped off the bridge. If Johnny did it and lived “scaredy cat”. You better listen to your mama fool!!
How about when you mistakenly broke something. Her immediate response “That’s why we can’t have nice things! Or when you wore what everybody else was wearing. She would say, “I know you aren’t gonna to school wearing that”? Then you used that blasphemous retort “but everybody else is". Now not only did she cut you off but so goes territorial, I can hear her now: ”Everybody don’t live here!!! The more I teach you the dumber I get!! Wait til your father gets home! Once again Parental Guidance is suggested. My favorite is when you didn’t get what you want. Then bust into tears. My mother was quick to point out “I’ll give you something to cry about!!” Oh yours too? Small world!!!!
Read what Proverbs 1:20-23 has to say about Mothers:
“Wisdom calls aloud in the street, she raises her voice in the public square; at the head of the noise streets. She cries out, in the gateways of the city. She makes her speech. How long will you simple ones love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge?”
We’ve become hearers and not doers of her words. That’s why we can’t have nice things. Donut ever forget it!