That's Not How Life Works
David George Brooke "That Gratitude Guy"
Keynote Speaker & Gratitude Expert | "Gratitude Turns What You Have Into Enough"
I have never found a road map that gives you the pathway for your life.
Additionally, I’ve never met anyone that has had their life turn out the way they thought that it would.
There are days when things just flow, and there are days when nothing works right.
People often stop and seem to regret how their lives have turned out.
They wish their lives were better, and yet the truth is, that’s not how life works.
Just plan to control the things that you can control.?So many of your life experiences are out of your control.
So why not control the things you can?
One of the biggest things that you can control is your attitude.
Why not have an “attitude of gratitude?”
Adopting a gratitude practice, a gratitude mindset, and using a gratitude journal can help to give you more control of your attitude and as a result the quality of your life.
Take responsibility for your life.?If it is to be, it’s up to me.
Use gratitude to help you.
The only person that can consistently help you, is that person you see every morning when you brush your teeth.
Gratitude works.
Let's Talk. I would love to hear your story: