Thanveer Shah, real-world Flash!
Abhinav Hema Kottalgi
CX Digital Transformation | AI Enthusiast I Always a student
The Thanveer we know at work is someone who has mastered butter chicken, is an amateur rapper, comes up with instant solutions and can also charm his way in a crowd with a guitar. We were more than delighted to find out a whole other side of Thanveer outside of work.
The superhero he relates to the most is Flash, specifically from the Justice League – DC universe, given the speed at which he gets things done – he was the fastest sportsperson in school, his ability to solve a Rubik's cube and the fact that he learnt the guitar in just under a month! We no doubt, have a real-world Flash amidst us!
A memory that he fondly remembers is:
"So 2 of my friends and I used to go to a mall near our building when we were kids, without telling our parents. One day, we had a small argument and one of the guys from the group got very angry. On the way back home he met my dad and told him I was going to a shopping mall without telling anyone. And I got slammed so badly for this."
His top three wishes are simple and well-defined:
- All evil people dead,
- Zero poverty, and
- Unlimited knowledge.
Well, we do agree that the world would definitely be a better place with all these wishes in order! The quality he finds challenging about himself is his being competitive. Especially, when someone dismisses him. He admits he'll go to any length to work relentlessly, get irritable if anyone distracts him and ultimately invests a lot of his time in that process. It is that very quality that he's also proud of, in the right circumstances. He gets things done, he's open to new challenges and he loves getting out of his comfort zone.
Needless to say, when asked about his alternate career options, his answer was: "An interior designer, or a designer, architect, animator, software engineering teacher or maybe even a hardware engineer. I'd do anything that's interesting and challenging."
Another cool side of us personality is that, he is one of those who can solve a Rubik's cube under a minute! Brilliant, right?
And with that, we hope we've covered at least a bit of Thanveer's multi-faceted personality, an individual we've had the pleasure of working and interacting with.
We wish you an exciting future, fun challenges and flash-success!