No Thanks,We're Too Busy
This is a common response many of us hear from business owners when we approach them with a solution to potential problems, or something which will improve their businesses. It reminds me of the term, "I want to think about it." Both are the most common objections sales people or service providers hear from their prospects.
There's a cartoon out there, which depicts opportunities for change management in a business. It shows two cavemen pulling a cart full of stones. The wheels on the cart are square, and it's obvious the two men are struggling to get the load of stones to their destination. Then, along comes a fellow caveman with a pair of round wheels to sell to the other two. Their response, "no thanks, we're too busy. Here was a great solution to their problem, literally staring them in the face, however their need to put up an objection, prevented them from revolutionizing the way they transported stones. I see this all the time, even after engaging with a client. He or she is "too busy" to carry out necessary change management. It's not that these business owners are too busy. It is a common objection, as mentioned above. It's easier to ignore a situation or potential problem, rather than address it now and make necessary changes. It also represents a reluctance to prioritize, and instead take the path of least resistance.
If one keeps ignoring a situation or potential problem and hopes it will go away on its own, he or she is setting up for a much greater issue in the future. The longer something goes without being addressed, the worse it is when that day of reckoning finally comes.
How does the coach/consultant/advisor help, and why is he or she needed? It's simple, we help business owners transition from chaos to order, uncertainty to clarity, doubt to confidence, etc. Just like the caveman with round wheels for sale, we offer a well defined, organized, orderly and sensible approach to changing the status quo in business. Many times that status quo is the very thing that keeps businesses from achieving their true potential.
Every situation is different, every business owner unique. Each has his or her own story to share. The professionals who work with them, must be prepared and equipped to address the unique needs of each and every client.
So, what is it for you? Are you "too busy," or do you really want to embrace change for the betterment of your business? And, are you willing to take the action steps toward that goal? Food for thought.