A Thanksgiving Shit Show

A Thanksgiving Shit Show

"I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land."

— Jon Stewart

Please excuse my lateness; it’s Thanksgiving, we slept in on purpose, it’s unusual for us to sleep in, we both dreamt, it was a nice change on this holiday. I’m thankful for the ability to sleep and today sleep in. Waking up with a beautiful being is a gift I do not take for granted.  

I’m sure you are going to be spending time with family and friends today. Enjoy the time, don’t be an ass, just accept others for who they are, and try not and push-buttons. I had coffee with one of my underwriters this week, and she was telling me she was cooking for her family but had forbidden her sister to join the gathering.  Her sister is a 30 something living with Mom and Dad, takes various pills, and when mixing said pills with booze, she turns into a raving lunatic.  Last year they ended up in fisticuffs, and so my friend said “no more, I’ve had enough.”

Another friend told me yesterday her mother refuses to attend shit shows and no longer attends many family functions due to the behavior of some of her family. I respect that, at 50 years old, I live a drama-free life; for those that wish to create a non-scripted play or movie, I refuse to be a supporting actor.  I’ll sit quietly by, grab my popcorn and watch with a smirk; life is too short for drama.

We’re heading to my Queen’s mother's house. Judy is one of the most beautiful women you will ever meet, my Queen gets her looks from Judy, and they both look 15 years younger than their actual age, their genes are strong and so is their compassion and love for their family. We’ll hang out and enjoy some great food, conversation, and football.

My son and his wife will be with her side of the family; my daughter is taking care of her mother’s mom, my side of the family is split up, we will reconvene when convenient for all. My parents are in Cleveland with my one-legged sister and her family; we’ll catch up with them on Saturday night.

We had a team-building event with a few of our staff yesterday afternoon in Indianapolis. We had about 10 of our folks show up. We bowled, played corn hole, ping pong and had a couple drinks. I love our team; it’s good to do things outside of work with people you love and appreciate.

We close our office on Friday after Thanksgiving, having learned that giving the gift of time to spend with family and friends is a gift they appreciate. I answer the phone in case our clients have a need, claims don’t happen Monday through Friday from 8 to 5, they occur at all times of the day and night and that is why we choose to answer the phone no matter the time, if our clients need us, we are here to serve.

I hope you enjoy this day, the time off celebrating the arrival of our ancestors and their breaking bread with a group they would later slaughter and steal their land. I think it important to understand the real meaning of today, I guess if you think about the history, it makes sense that there is an occasional shit show, people sometimes don’t do the right thing. 

Imagine if the Indian nations were treated with love and respect and how they might have contributed to our culture. Today, their impact is usually regulated to offering a local casino, and their communities are rife with drug and alcohol addiction, keep our Indian friends in your thoughts as you eat your turkey and stuffing, if anyone deserves reparations look no further than our Indian communities.

I am thankful I can share my ideas, thoughts, and views daily. It gives me a legacy to look back up and remember what was going on in my life in the past. I’ve been penning my thoughts for about ten years now, ten years of memories, evolution, and personal growth. I ask that you choose love over hate, you embrace understanding over disagreement and try and make our world a little less contentious.

Today we will remember those no longer with us, thank something larger than us for the ability to join with those still here, and fill our minds with the thoughts, hopes, and dreams of our family and friends. Cheers, thank you for stopping by my free internet soup kitchen. I hope you enjoy the ham and bean soup, which should complement your thanksgiving spread.

No matter where you are, no matter your station in life, today is a day to rest, enjoy, be thankful, and relax. Avoid the shit show at all cost, but if you do have an explosion of emotion and misunderstanding, share your story in the comments below, shit shows are great, but only when they happen to others.

"I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land."

— Jon Stewart



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