Thanksgiving Edition

Thanksgiving Edition

Hey there,?

Quick, don’t think! Right here, right now – what are you most thankful for in 2022? If you also thought of the coffee mug that’s getting you through today, I think we’re on the same page.

On the 24th last month, we celebrated Thanksgiving also known as ‘the day before Black Friday’ for shopaholics. While writing this email, I began thinking of all the things I myself am thankful for this year. It led to a quick discussion with my colleagues at the New Delhi office (including one person who said they’re thankful for me *happy tears emoji*). They’re all in our? Thanksgiving series on LinkedIn. You can check it out in 30 seconds; I’ll wait.

So, coming back to things I’m thankful for professionally, I would have to start with the work culture we have here at Decision Point. And I think what makes the most difference is the support employees receive from upper management and the bosses. It makes all the difference. On an unrelated note, I am also thankful for my next appraisal ??!

Before I forget, we invited entries last month on how to create a better work-life balance within Decision Point. I’m happy to announce that we’ve received quite a few and assure you that we’re working on creating a culture that’s best suited for Decision Point employees everywhere.

Speaking of culture, we awarded titles this month to certain employees, knighting one as the Culture Star and another as the Social Master. These titles are a fun way to appreciate your co-workers and friends, and we do them every month.

Also, we make it a point to celebrate the story of one employee at Decision Point every month. This month, we went on a journey with Mr. Ranjeet Singh, an IT manager and DP veteran. Check out his entire story. Another notable story we ran was with Maria Soledad Briones, Commercial Representative, Consulting. We spoke with her about what it's like to be a female executive in a male-dominated industry. I found the story quite riveting, and I’d love to hear your views as well. Watch the full podcast here.

Another thing to celebrate at Decision Point is the variety of games and employee engagement programs we offer. For example, we had game night on November 30th, and it was loads of fun. Quizzes, puns, the occasional passive-aggressive employee-boss banter—you name it, we had it!

What are you thankful for this year (except, of course, that seventh cup of coffee)?

Comment below and we’ll give a shoutout to the most creative answers.

Until next time!?


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