Thanksgiving Break: A Time to Rest, Recharge & Reflect
LaToya Jordan
Executive Coach helping deep subject matter experts-turned-leaders navigate their role with confidence | Specialized in supporting WOC Leaders in Higher Ed | Founder & Chief Consultant at Lead by Design Lab
Thanksgiving is here, y’all! While I’m as shocked as you are that 2023 is nearly coming to a close, this is always one of the most special weeks of the year. Good food, good company, and a nice long weekend – what’s better than that?
So what I want to offer you this week is a few ways you can use this time intentionally. Wouldn’t it be great to come out of this weekend feeling refreshed and ready to finish the year strong, rather than dragging your feet into Monday?
Set aside some time this weekend to rest, recharge, and reflect.
To take this one literally… get some SLEEP this weekend! Allow yourself to sleep in if possible, or indulge in a post-Thanksgiving feast nap. Block off your weekend for a lazy Saturday or Sunday. Give your mind and body a break from constantly doing.
The best way to recharge? Spending time with those you love most. And hopefully you have plans to do just that this holiday. But think about what else ENERGIZES you. Planning to do some Black Friday shopping? Why not splurge a little bit on something for yourself! Personally, a new purse or pair of shoes can make me feel like a whole new woman.
You could also take this time to book a spa day, get a new haircut, or even just go for a leisurely walk to reinvigorate your energy.
Of course, this is always the time of year to think about what you’re thankful for. Make a gratitude list, and count all the blessings in your life – big and small.
Even though it’s not quite the end of the year, now is a great time to check in and reflect. Where were you back in January, and where did you want to be by December? What personal goals have you achieved this year, and what goals do you still want to achieve before the year ends?
What are some habits or practices that you want to carry into the new year? And what would you like to leave behind, or do differently in 2024? This could include being more present with your family, taking more time for yourself, booking a vacation once a quarter, etc.
Next week I’ll be sharing some tips for how to use the end of the semester and the upcoming holiday break to recalibrate your workload. For now, I’m wishing you a happy, healthy, and rejuvenating Thanksgiving holiday!