As Thanksgiving Approaches, All I Can Do is Say Thank You

As Thanksgiving Approaches, All I Can Do is Say Thank You

In 2017, I attended TEDxCLT and was moved by Ash Davis, who encouraged attendees to mail hand-written, thank-you notes to people with his speech, "The Power of Written Communication in a Technological Age." I've written several letters since then, but decided to up my game. So here goes:

Thank you…

Karen, for everything. It’s been almost 29 years since we met and there’s still nobody I’d rather travel with to see the world.

Mom & Dad, for inspiring a love of travel, music, art, museums, reading and sports.

Paul, my taller, smarter, better-looking, younger and only brother. You are my hero. Never change.

Edward, one of the first U.S. open heart surgery patients. In 1961, you started a camp called Open Hearts Camp. Kids who had open heart surgery could attend for free. I had mine at age 4, in 1967, and attended your camp from 1971-1974. I never met you, but hiking, swimming, fishing and playing sports on 300-acres of your land was nothing short of life changing.

Dubber, for being a truly life-altering college roommate. I’ll never know a better man. I’m proud that we still keep in touch and get together as often as we can.

Psi Phi Gamma, the Fraternity Brothers who recruited me, pledged with me, and those who followed me. There are too many to name, but you can all be sure that, even 37 years later, pledging Psi Phi Gamma was among the best decisions I ever made.

Scott, one of those Brothers, for suggesting I move to Charlotte and dragging me and my meager belongings down here in January of 1986. Who knows how different life might have been had I stayed in New York? One thing is for sure, I never would have met a lot of the people on this list.

Robert, Dave, Marty, Denis, Eric, Armand, Phil and Tommy. The first guys I met in Charlotte. The weekends were wild & the waterskiing, basketball and touch football games were epic. Nightlife was limited back then, but we certainly made the most of it.

Mike, Eric, Nick, Jeff, Kenny and all the guys on those early softball teams. I met my wife through extra-curricular classes at CPCC, but years earlier I met most of you. Those were the days my friends…basketball, football, poker, road trips, nightclubs, and so much more. And, Hootie & the Blowfish were the Wednesday night “house band” when we played for Amos’.

Teresa, we could not have been from two more different worlds, but you always brought out the best in me. Showing up at my place with a Porsche and standing beside the passenger door until I opened it for you, is a lesson I never forgot.

Debbie, for sharing my resume with another department at the Charlotte Observer. That simple act of kindness changed everything.

Rolfe, Greg, Louie, Sherry & Stewart, for showing me what it means to be leaders, as well as bosses.

Rob, for publishing my first magazine article and for introducing me to so many good bands and even better people. Without you, my best man, there is no first book.

Dave, for designing the magazine cover of that article, “Have Bat, Will Travel: Beer & Loathing on the East Coast.” And, for being a consistent concert buddy, camping buddy, whitewater rafting buddy and a brilliant artist.

John & Steve, for taking those first few baseball road trips that led to the aforementioned “first book.” Doing research was never so much fun. It’s impossible to pick a favorite moment from those trips. Bleacher seats in Fenway Park? Moundball at Wrigley Field? Nightlife in Montreal? Daytrip to Tijuana?

Jackie, Patti, Dan, Jim, Diane, Matt, Tracy, Elizabeth and everyone else who let us crash at their places or joined us at a ballgame along the way.

Keith, for being that guy who is always there with a hand to lend, for all the memorable times at fishing holes, campsites, shooting ranges, concert venues, and of course, for hosting nearly 350 Scrabble games. And, for asking, “Why can’t you crowdsource the film?” Turns out we could and did. More on that later…

Karl, Rob, Andy, Bruce, Bob, John, & Dave for being such an integral part of those Tuesday night Scrabble games for more than 15 years. I am fortunate to be surrounded by so many smart, talented guys.

Robbie, for encouraging me to give back to the community and for being the “do-goodingest” person I know & a genuine inspiration. You connected me with NC Outward Bound School. You lit the way forward. You are legend.

Rufus, even in your 90s, you continue to lead an unbelievable life. You’re an inspiration to everyone who crosses your path and your friendship means more to me than you’ll ever know. Working beside you on the Charlotte Advisory Board of North Carolina Outward Bound School for the past decade has been a rare pleasure.

Mike & Carol, we could not ask for better neighbors, NFL game hosts, dinner companions, or travel buddies. New Orleans, Belize, St. John…what’s next? Thanks especially for asking if we wanted to adopt a puppy before you took him to the pound. That day changed everything. Don’t ever move.

Nick, for being so much more than a client. You introduced me to the Blues, up close & loud. There may be no greater gift than that. Thanks also for opening up your Rolodex when we decided to produce a movie. You should have been named Charlotte Magazine's  Charlottean of the Year much sooner and many times over.

Speaking of clients, there are far too many to name, but you’ve invited me to your weddings, your vacation homes, your galas, your golf tournaments, and your milestone events. You taught me to collect art, to save for the future, to appreciate fine dining and theater, and to nurture my relationships. My life is so much better for all of that.

Taylor, Mary, Elizabeth, Valerie, Rick, John, Michele, Theoden and the handful of other magazine and newspaper editors who have published my words. To this day, it thrills me to know that those words are sometimes worthy.

Ed, you called me out of the blue to say I was “the ideal guy to take over your territory at WFAE.” In your prior role, as a marketing director, for years on end you never bought a thing from me, but you clearly saw something I never did. So, for 8+ years, I ended up being the station’s top revenue producer. RIP my old friend.

Paul, Mark, Grumpy Scott, Amy, Fun Scott, Mike, Wendy, Julie, Greg, Marshall, Lisa, Erin, and the rest of the WFAE news staff. We worked on different sides of the public radio equation, but man did we make it work.

Roger, Debra, Catherine, PK, Jorge, Elizabeth, Libby, Eric, Allie and the rest of the WFAE staff. I cannot imagine working outside the public media realm ever again. Charlotte is incredibly fortunate to have two of the finest public radio stations in the nation.

Katy, for introducing me to the Avett Brothers and restoring my faith in young people. You are wise beyond your years and, with each passing milestone, I’m thrilled to see you move on to bigger and better things.

Tony, Jeff, Regina, Rick, Elsie, David, Paula, Fatima, Jay, Mike, Tom and all the good folks at WTVI. I was glad to be a part of the turnaround and truly believe that Charlotte will be a better city when it has a world-class public television station. Continued success in that endeavor. Without my time there, I cannot imagine I would’ve ever had the stones to produce a documentary film that earned its laurels at four film festivals, so far.

Rick, Kim, and Chuck for helping making that idea for a documentary about The Double Door Inn become a reality. You are the heart and soul of Ahujadaddy Productions, along with so many good people--musicians, staffers, historians, promoters, & fans--who came together to make it all happen.

Frank, Kendra, Will, Rodger, Sarah, JB, Amanda & all the good folks who decided to take a chance on an old guy. Not to take a thing away from other places I’ve worked, but, top to bottom, I have never known a more dedicated, more passionate, and more decent team of colleagues. With any luck at all, I’ll be with the WDAV team for years to come. Who knows, maybe even as long as Mike McKay?

Jay Werth

Principal @ Convergent Nonprofit Solutions | Fundraising, Nonprofit Consulting

6 年

Just found this. Thank you for your thanks. Wish our stint together had been longer. Happy new year and may it be filled with accomplishment and thanksgiving.

David Barrett

Marketing Creative Director for Genova Diagnostics, Inc., and Owner/Operator of Smackiepipe Productions

6 年

That seems like a nice, healthy exercise that everyone should try. Great job, Jay!

Corinne Weber

Senior Vice President, Marketing at Advocate Health

6 年

Jay, so beautifully written. You are a person that stands out among others. Thanks for sharing!


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