Thanksgiving, AI, and the state of the world...
The latest noise from the AI world is the changes inside OpenAI, and as we have seen there are those inside that managment board that openly fear the future of humanity. My art piece is by the acerbic Joan Cornelia where the fear of some within OpenAI rests - will machines with generative learning, decide we are the cause of so much of the world's problems that they decide to get rid of the "vermin".
Yes I chose that word carefully as another big headline these past few days have been the use of words like that, where we know the origin of these slurs, and they were used in order to alienate people, separate people and cause hate. When leaders, captains of business or just regular folk normalize this speech its bad for all of us.
So as Thanksgiving is here upon us in the United States, and last week I thanked so many of you for your friendship, this time I want to be more altruistic, as in the end you really "can't take it with you" but we can make the most of the time we have. This week we can stop and look around, maybe put down the mobile phone and the black friday deals, and really look to see what is happening around us.
There is much chaos in the world, and yes, one person will not solve it, but if each one of us does our bit to enhance other's lives, to give what is most important and has no price - time, love, caring or just being there, you will make your world, that tiny circle where 90% of your time is spent - a better place.
We give thanks because we look and realize how lucky and blessed we are, but we also give thanks by paying forward, by bien better and most importantly by giving those priceless things that I mentioned before - Love, Caring and Being There.
I know many of my friends and connections here on LinkedIn are not American, and so Thanksgiving at times is equated to the black friday deals. But we all can try to give away the priceless gifts I mentioned and make this a truly special start to the best time of year.
Let us all celebrate our friends and family. Let us all stop and realize that we are in a much better place, and so let us all pitch in to make this a truly joyful season for all who we know. Reach out to those you have not spoken to in a while, give more hugs, give from the heart and most of all be thankful for what you have.
Have a great Thanksgiving!!!!