Thanksgiving in the Age of COVID-10
The new Thanksgiving paradigm. I’ve always thought Thanksgiving was a holiday where your doors were open with gratitude.
As a senior at Berkeley, I knew a couple of super nerdy grad students who were from the East Coast and had no plans. They weren’t flying home for the holiday. I dragged them home with me across the Bay to do Thanksgiving with my family. I remember this one guy commented on the serial number imprinted on the bottom of the smooth canned cranberries which were sliced on a plate. I was pretty mortified in the moment, but it was so funny! Plus, he did look like a tall Woody Allen.
Gratitude. I think it’s a metaphor for Thanksgiving.
My friend recently told me to keep a journal by my bed and write down everything I’m thankful for in the moment. It’s an awesome affirmation. I started one…texting the affirmations to myself. Wow! It’s so powerful!
We dug deeper. Robert Emmons is the world's leading scientific expert on gratitude. ?????? He explains the how’s & why’s gratitude is good for our bodies, minds, & relationships. Emmons research finds that people who practice gratitude consistently reap amazing benefits: Physically, Psychologically & Socially. These are so powerful, we’ve got to include the entire list.
The Best Free Benefits of Gratitude
- Stronger immune systems
- Less bothered by aches and pains
- Lower blood pressure
- Exercise more and take better care of their health
- Sleep longer and feel more refreshed upon waking
- Higher levels of positive emotions
- More alert, alive, and awake
- More joy and pleasure
- More optimism and happiness
- More helpful, generous, and compassionate
- More forgiving
- More outgoing
- Feel less lonely and isolated.
As Margaret Cousins said, "Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary."
So what do we do now? It’s kind of like love in the age of cholera.
Are you supposed to make a turkey for 1???
Perhaps we should just chill and in the words of William Wordsmith, “Rest and be thankful?” Easier said than done.
The Thanksgiving Challenge
Remember that you are not alone. We are all struggling in multitudinous ways.
I remember the year when we had a last-minute change of venue & on Thanksgiving Day, the location switched to my former home. The previous night, I’d thrown my annual crab ?? fest (a thing of the past), cleaned the whole house afterward, & put it back together, only to learn that I was going to be hosting 20+ people that afternoon for Thanksgiving. ?? I had 1 oven. Frankly, still do. At that time, we had one vegan, & 3 different stuffings: vegan, one with chestnuts ??(cuz a family member doesn’t like ??…who doesn’t like ??? YUM!), and one without. So many dishes - vegan & non - I barely had the counter space.
Our issues at that time were primarily centered around food. With Covid, it’s a real drag that you can’t include friends or family. It really makes me want to put up the tree STAT. I’m a stickler with the tree. ?? Stand back, Martha Stewart. After I take 2 days stringing the lights, trying my best to hide all of the cords, another 2 days or so, on the ornaments, I am compelled to throw a party for everyone to enjoy. It’s so gorgeous and welcoming. And, fun. That will be tough, not sharing. I guess I could host a drive-by. Bah, humbug.
Thanksgiving poses major challenges this year. The headcount? It blows.
Do you have a Zoom as a side dish at your dinner table? Why the fuck not?
What a Difference a Year Makes!
It's an alternative reality. What used to be de rigueur & civilized is now considered to be somewhat morally questionable behavior.
My friend recently attended a dinner party with 4 other people, 3 of whom were out of her pod. They hugged like the good ole days. If they get it, & spread it, is that cool? Not quite.One of my friends went to a dinner party last night with 4 other people, 3 of whom are out of her pod. They hugged like the good ole days. If they get it, & spread it, is that cool? No. Not at all.
Here’s my .02: Hang in there. Practice Safe Six. Wear your masks. ??
Call your friends. Talk on the phone. Fuck texting. Chat it up.
Meet for a social distancing walk.
Plan extensively for a trip sometime in the future.
Count your blessings. And don't short shrift them. Be Safe. Be Grateful. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Perfect time to think about gratitude in your life