Thanks for your amazing devotion and professionalism.
Six months ago my life took a turn and I was faced with a very unpleasant fact of life, I was not immortal. I received a piece of very bad news, I was sick with cancer. But this is not about my personal cancer or my personal war on the disease, in the last six months I had the honour to meet some of the most wonderful and amazing Canadians that make our health system work the way it does. Starting with the diagnosis of the disease, on to finalizing the check-ups, the biopsies, the MRI’s, the CT scans, in North York General, on to Princess Margaret for my pre surgery preps with the surgeons, on to the almost 11 hours surgery at Toronto General Hospital, and finally the long chemotherapy treatment at Sunnybrook Hospital “Odette Cancer Center” that I am still “enjoying”. In each and every one of these facilities there are teams of dedicated medical and hospital stuff, as well as volunteers who work seven days a week 24 hours a day 365 days a year with a smile on their face, encouraging words, and amazing dedication. These selfless people deserve all possible praise; their work is literally saving people’s lives day in and day out, and they do that in the best possible way. To these dedicated people I want to express my deepest and most wholeheartedly thanks for your amazing devotion and professionalism.
Phil Artman