Thanks for Sponsoring Drag Shows!

Thanks for Sponsoring Drag Shows!

Aren’t you sweet and so very, very inclusive. You just donated twenty thousand dollars to the country of Ecuador so they could have drag shows. You don’t think we should be the only country to offer up deviate entertainment to our children do you? Your State Department initiated and funded that disbursement. Of course, that’s just the actual cash outlay, think of the pre-expenditure time spent, the clerical time, the celebrations (probably in pink tutus with a pink cake), and the time in the coffee room discussing the wonderfulness of those who came with the idea. And, of course, the time discussing how grand it now is that lots of little Ecuadorian boys want to become a eunuch and little girls want the nubbins that would become breasts removed. But when the joy is over they’ll get back to work, watching porn on their iPhones, admiring the tush of passing co-workers, mostly same sex, and making sure they use the proper pronoun which is difficult with the current forty-seven available. Aren’t you proud? That’s your State Department, now seemingly as F’d up as the DOJ and FBI. You wouldn’t want them concerned with matters of State…of course they consider those pursuits in we the people’s interest. But let’s not forget the Department of Transportation, Defense, etc. Do you feel, as I do, that we're up to our chinny chinny chin in the mire??

God Bless America and God help us. If the definition of a homophobe is not endorsing and/or enjoying those who ignore how they were born then I confess. And I’m sorry for and emphasize with the 1/100th?of 1 percent actually born as hermaphrodites. If homophobe excludes those who don’t really give a damn how others get their jollies but don’t want to sponsor same with their honestly-paid hard-earned tax dollars, then I’m excluded. That said, I really don’t give a damn either way. I do have friends who claim to be queer, again, I don’t give a damn but have advised them, lay a hand on my thigh and you’ll need a frozen steak for your eye, no matter how talented you might be.

Cowboy Craig Yacinski


2 年

here's a Great Idea put money back in our Country



