Thanks Sally Krawcheck
Marlena May Cuesta
Tech & Education Enthusiast | MBA University of Texas | Endurance Athlete
"I recently asked my best guy friend: “Do guys really talk like Donald Trump and Billy Bush behind closed doors?” His response: “No, but…” And the “but” was that the conversations are more along the lines of: “Boy, she has great legs,” or “she’s a looker” or “Whew. Wouldn’t touch her with a ten-foot pole.”" - Sallie Krawcheck
I received a similar answer from a guy friend when I, infuriated, asked him the same question. For me however, the grand takeaway from this quote is: Ladies, let's be careful as well. Too often we make similar comments with our girlfriends about guys. And as Krawcheck astutely shares later in her post, "Breaking us down to our body parts or our appearance dehumanizes us in some way.” I challenge us all to see the whole picture; to seek to understand the whole person for who he or she is, not for his built shoulder frame, professional success, or witty sense of humor. We can’t judge a book by its cover, but we can’t judge it by the first chapter, by its ending, or by a snippet in the middle either.
Let’s open our eyes, be gracious, slow to anger, quick to forgive, and eager to collaborate and innovate together.