Thanks To Proven Winners, Now's Your Opportunity To Nominate A Deserving 1st Responder Or Frontline Healthcare Worker To Be Honored On Cubs Radio!

Thanks To Proven Winners, Now's Your Opportunity To Nominate A Deserving 1st Responder Or Frontline Healthcare Worker To Be Honored On Cubs Radio!

Now that baseball season is back, and there are so many deserving people that are worthy of some great on-air recognition by Pat Hughes & Ron Coomer during our Cubs Radio Broadcasts, please click on the enclosed link to nominate someone in your network that has put the safety and well-being of others first throughout the pandemic. We will select one lucky winner for every regular season game in 2021, and right around the 7th inning, they will be recognized via a touching on-air tribute on Cubs Radio. Plus, as an added bonus, each winner will also receive a $50 digital gift card from Proven Winners, the #1 Plant Brand for annuals, perennials and shrubs! Thanks to Proven Winners, and all of our Cubs Radio listeners for being a part of this!


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