Thanks these persons who help you during past year
Thanks to one of my mentors, I now celebrate the start of a new year in a way that keeps me focused for the coming year .
I take the opportunity to remember all of those who helped me during the past year and more importantly those who have helped me during my career.
Some of you reading this know that I may actually be talking about you. You may have been a member of the lodge .
Who influenced you and your career last year and what did you learn from them? Why is it so hard to answer? Try doing it and see. If you give it serious thought, it may not turn out the way you'd expect.
I don't know exactly why, but sometimes it was hard to figure out who really inspired me or said something that changed my personal or career trajectory.
I know it may sound like a frivolous exercise, but it's really not. It's actually an important question for a number of reasons:
· First, thinking back to the people, events, and ideals that inspired and changed you has a remarkable way of reinforcing what you learned. I found it to be introspective, rejuvenating, and surprisingly motivating for the year ahead.
· Second, every successful businessperson who shares these unique experiences provides insight for thousands of young up-and-comers. It teaches them to listen to and engage a diverse group of potential mentors.
· Third, it encourages all of us as mentors, teachers, friends, managers, parents, and anyone with important life lessons to share, to play a role in the personal growth and success of tomorrow's leaders in the built environment.
Successful careers and business relationships depend on a vast, invisible infrastructure of parents, teachers, colleagues, bosses, friends, spouses and mentors.
The journey of business and life is a process. Every achievement you experience takes a succession of efforts. Almost nothing is instantly successful, and no matter how hard you try, you cannot achieve any great measure of success entirely on your own.
Every person who is in your life has some role in your achievements. They may be a fuel motivating you or a support system helping you in your journey. Either way, acknowledge the help that people have given you on your way and continue to recognize the people who still are. Every step of your journey will be people who have supported you emotionally, financially and physically. They may be personal relationships or they may be motivational speakers.
It is important to show gratitude to your mentors and helpers along the way. Taking those who have helped you for granted will eventually leave you without anyone’s help. Make sure that people who help you know that their assistance is appreciated and that you are grateful.
Continually remember that other people’s help and influence have contributed to turning you into who you are. You may think you are a self-reliant individual … but who gets anywhere completely on their own? Never forget to acknowledge the contributions of others, no matter how small.
The message I want to leave you with today is simple. Stay close to your mentors, for they have helped you become the person that you are today. Never be afraid to express your appreciation and to tell them what they mean to you. The difference between expressing appreciation and having regrets is that the regrets may stay around forever. The mentors and helpers may be gone tomorrow.
There’s never a wrong time to pick up a phone or send a card or message telling those who have helped you how much they have helped you or how much you appreciate them. Take this opportunity around the start of a new year to send a message of appreciation and thanks to someone who has helped you. If you don’t, you will have once again passed up a chance to connect and will have something that you may soon regret.
Thank you all.
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