Thanks to our teachers!
Has your life been brightened by what a teacher said or did?
Have a teacher to thank?
Has your life been blighted by what a teacher said, or did to you?
Still working through the trauma?
I am collecting stories for my next book
The Reason
I aim to shine light on the social and emotional outcomes of the education system. There are great teachers who do fantastic work. They make our lives better. There are awful teachers too, and they do tremendous damage that affects our lives.
The Rules
You can send 3 to 5 stories showing different ways teachers have affected your life.
Your Reflection
Once you have written your story, reflect on how the writing process has affected you. Then write about 100 words about that. Send that to me too.
Your Reward
Selected stories will be published in a paperback and ebook on my Amazon Author Page. Authors will receive a pdf copy to do with as they wish.
Send your story to me in a direct message. I will get in touch with you. There are no fees or payments to consider.