Thanks IBM
In my last post on test coverage reporting for ACE, one of the unanswered questions I had was how to handle the generation of user trace files.
With older versions of WMB/IIB we could set "mqsichangetrace".
But I was having an issue where I wanted to turn user trace on while I was running the tests against the Integration server with "IntegrationServer --test-project tp1".
The tests ran fine but I couldn't work out how to start them with user trace enabled. And it was proving to be hard to enable it on a separate thread once it had started.
I didn't have much luck when reading through the documentation.
A while back someone sent me a link to the IBM ACE discussion board. It's a good board for general ACE discussion. Mostly trouble shooting and how to get things done.
My question that I posted is here.
But once you register it's pretty easy to browse all the other topics.
And after I put up the issue I was having and like magic, a few days later I had an answer.
So thanks very much the IBM's that answer most of the questions.
The next step for me was to use the suggested solution in the ANT process for testing.
So all we did for that was to copy in a substitute "server.conf.yaml" file that had some trace settings enabled, mostly:
userTrace: 'debug'? ? ? ? ? ?# choose 1 of : none|debug|diagnosti
userTraceSize: '10M'? ? ? ? ?# Set the service trace size
We have been looking to have some demonstrations over the next few weeks to go through how unit testing and test coverage works, so I will be adding to the demonstration how we can also use tracing.
The registration links and times are below:
7:30 PM AEST (Sydney time) 1st February 2022
10:30 PM AEST (Sydney time) 2nd February 2022
And we added a new one for our friends on the other side of the world:
11:55 PM AEST (Sydney time) 3nd February 2022
If you are interested in finding out more about our product and these times don't suit, please drop me an email to:
Or contact me via the contact page on our website.