Thanks God!!! I am out.
Manish Chandra
Railway track construction & maintenance machineries, Engineering Services, Manpower suppliers
Why Corporate life is becoming unsatisfying for their Employees & Achievers?
1. ??????? Rigid HR policies,
2. ??????? Low inclusion level,
3. ??????? Dangerously low communication level between employees and their Reporting
Tell me the name of an organisation and its employees who wants to FAIL...
No one wants to fail.
Then why few companies flourish and most of the others struggle to survive or fail?
These are my personal views but after quitting 27 years of my corporate life, I can fairly impartially write about it:
1.?? IS HR responsible?
Rigid HR policies are undoubtedly responsible to a large extent.
Look- HR is also human and they too don't want to fail and underperform. I have worked with an MNC whose HR was overactive, under an illusion that HR makes the workforce 'work'.
Sometimes, HR makes the policies, focussing on their performance that will be easily visible to the Top Management (probably for a promotion and raise at the end of the year, Lol).
I don't think they should be doing more than Talent Hunt, Talent Acquisition and keeping the Government happy by fulfilling all compliances. That’s all!!.
Everything in this world is designed to be" anti-fragile". I hope you know what’s Anti fragile.
Look at the things around you. Everything evolves after setbacks/failures. You can't transfer your experiences to anyone BUT you can transfer knowledge, only knowledge. Look at your son or daughter or younger brother or sister. They seem to commit mistakes, same mistakes which you had committed. Look at how do you handle their silly mistakes. Few of you let them learn from their mistakes, whereas most of you try to stop them from committing mistakes before they commit that mistake.
Very few of you realise that humans are Anti-fragile-they evolve after a setback/ failure.
Very few of you realise that experience cannot be transferred, you can transfer only knowledge. So let the humans, employees evolve .
Evolution is irreversible for a particular living thing until it dies.
You must have seen the big trees who eventually evolved to protect their leaves from animals by growing tall enough, but the same tree germinates from ground, all exposed to be eaten by cow, deer etc.
So the tall tree evolved, died and started again with a fresh life but that will grow taller than usual trees (its in the genes). You can put a fence around them but can't pull them up to grow taller quickly.
'Fence' is the 'knowledge' that you provide, only 'To guide'. Don't try to pull them to become taller overnight: Plant will die.
HR should put a "Fence', a “Protection”, a “Care”,? must not put the employees to grow taller overnight.
They should work WITH the flow of employees, not AGAINST. They must find another way to showcase their performance to get promotion and raise.
Top management should realise that HR, who is very rigid, are working against the flow of employees. They should focus on govt: compliances, leave records etc, that’s all !!!
Since I have put my views about HR too boldly, let’s see how will it affect the functioning an Organisation.
Imagine an employee is allowed to work flexible hours, the force vanishes which was trying to follow a clock, his performance level goes up. Example -I am an early riser and most productive at 4am. why shouldn't I be allowed to log in at work at 4am? why should my work hour starts at 9 or 10 am when I have already missed the most appropriate time slot to work and deliver my best.
Suppose, HR is reduced and renamed as 'Compliance cell', there would be no micromanagement.
Surprising, You will find great many employees who are not happy and #looking for a change even if there is no HR in the company.
What could be the reason?
2.???? Now comes the other reason in picture- INCLUSION.
Inclusion is the most serious issue behind a failed/stagnant organisation.
Employees look like a soldier who follows orders in an organisation who lacks “Inclusion”. This creates a vast vacuum. Corporate world is not a war front. This inclusion issue is found in every organisation which lack good man-mangers. This culture of non-inclusion may be a result of several factors-
a.???? The Managers may not be aware of the Vision set by the Top Management,
b.???? The manager may not be agreeing with the sailing course set by the Top Management,
c.???? The manager may not have enough skills to communicate or convince his team members.
so many factors can lead to' Non-Inclusion' and the organisation doesn't perform as expected..
The employees slowly leave the organisation.
3.???? Third reason of a dissatisfied employee is definitely the Communication Gap.
I have witnessed it in many companies, Small or Large.
Communication Gap is result of a unconvinced Manager. If the Manager or the Team Leader is mentally not convinced with the Method, the Sailing Course, he will just retain his position, draw salary and act like a Courier Boy in the office, delivering the ideas to Team Members.
He will present the plan to the team members, the same plan, which has been sent to him. He will try to supress discussions because he is not ready, he has doubts in his heed.
Such an organisation can't retain the talents. This type of organisation stagnate and slowly perish.
They die a slow, natural death and the employee comes out of the organisation and declares- “I am out of this Corporate life. Thank God!”