Thanks-Giving Every Day
photo by brenkee from Pixabay @ Canva

Thanks-Giving Every Day

Although it may be that particular time of year here in the United States, it is always a good time to give thanks. Whether it's the middle of July, Thanksgiving Day, or New Year's eve we have opportunities to acknowledge people, events, situations, and things that help us on our journey to living a fulfilling life.

This is a time of tremendous conflict worldwide and it is especially important to look for the good whenever and wherever possible. Currently, I am particularly thankful for the simplest of things, like a smile from a colleague, as well as profound gifts-- like more and more people becoming conscious about the environment and caring for our planet. My remaining list of thanks is long for people and events in my life that bring joy. The list will continue to grow and I look forward to adding to it with each passing day.

In this year ahead, consider how daily gratitude can transform each of us and our communities, whether it's at home or at work or in the greater society.


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