Thanks Everyone, Nearly There!
Jamie Dillon
I empower growing business with talent transformation strategy to better predict hiring outcomes through effective workforce planning and eliminate bottlenecks to achieve hires at scale.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported me raising funds for children's charity VICTA. You don't know the difference you're making to people's lives and I will certainly be thinking of that for every mile I run in the London Marathon next week.
I am so close to the target now it truly is amazing and thanks to everyone who has supported me thus far. If you want to make 1 difference in the world today please do find it in your hearts to donate to the cause using the following link:
Not every child in this world is fortunately born with twenty twenty vision and its the amazing work this charity do which enables these children to live as normal a life as possible supporting them in their endeavors as they grow up. I am proud to be supporting this charity as I run the London Marathon and everyone who has given in support should be very proud.
Thanks and lets raise some more and make as much difference as possible!!