Thanks for being you
Catherine Jewell, Career Coach
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We celebrate Thanksgiving to pause and think about all the “things” we are thankful for.
I am thankful, most of all, for the people in my life.
As my client, potential client, friend or acquaintance, you came into my life for a reason. And, I am thankful for you. My world in infinitely blessed by the character, talents and personalities of all of you.
I am grateful for YOU.
You, with the enormous talent and the skill to tell about it.
You, with the ambition to become something greater than you are now.
You, with the integrity and character to do the right thing.
You, with the kindness to care about others, AND care for yourself.
You, with the hope and faith that can make obstacles dissolve before you.
Thanks for being you, and enriching my life beyond measure. It is an honor to be your Career Coach, friend, associate, and perhaps a voice of wisdom in your life. If you ever wonder if you should change, keep this in mind:
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”*
*My thanks to Oscar Wilde the great Irish playwright, novelist and poet for this simple, profound message.