Thanks for 2015

2015 was a spectacular year for Sievo. And, for Sievo as well as for all business, success boils down to two things: customers and the Sievo team.

Many thanks for all of our customers on exploring the frontiers of spend management together with us. Special thanks for all creative individuals at customer side who are constantly challenging us on our thinking, and demanding even more from us. It's you guys, the demanding clients, that are the best guarantee for continued success - both for Sievo and for you. The fact that all of our customers have renewed their subscription for 2016 as well is a very concrete testament that we're doing a lot of things well - together.

All of this would definitely not have been possible with the people of Sievo. Dear co-workers, many thanks for the amazing efforts that you've put together again thist year. There has been late evenings, very early mornings, moments of joy and despair as we have - together - worked to exceed the expectations of our clients. Not only the results have been good, but the ride has been a very much enjoyable one. I'm very much looking forward to continue the journey.

Special thanks for my business partners, JP and Matti, for letting me get excited constantly, and guiding my excitment to directions that provide most value. I truly enjoy working with you.

Now, I wish all of you, customers, partners, co-workers, a Merry, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.



