Thankfulness In The Dirty Laundry
Apostle, Seer Tamara Delahanty
Pastor Tamara Delahanty at The Hub 5 International Church
Thankfulness In Dirty Laundry
Happy Thanksgiving! I would like share something with you that changed my daily walk in life. I share this story every year because thankfulness is KINGDOM minded.
My sister Kim was an incredible women of GOD. After her long battle with Cancer of 9 years, she went to live with the KING. She was such a wonderful wife, mother, daughter, sister, Aunt and friend. Kim loved to laugh and found most things in life very comical even if when they were hard!
One day about 7 years ago, when I was visiting my sister and we were talking, praying, laughing, reading scripture and suddenly the conversation got very sober. You could see the HOLY GHOST tangibly enter the room with a fog as if it was hiding a mystery ready to unfold. You see, Kim was confined to a hospital bed in the family living room and needed assistance to do the basic things in life that most of us take for granite.
Although she was in a bed, she was a diamond in GODs KINGDOM and HIS light shined through her many facets which reached way beyond the living room walls with such Beauty and grace. NOW, she is HIS BRIDE.
The kids left for school and she needed to use the restroom which was beside her bed and the dialogue started like this:
Kim speaking: “ Tamara, I would do anything to go to the restroom by myself and to Shower without my husband and others helping me”. “I would love some privacy to just sit in the shower under the hot water”. I responded by saying, that I didn’t mind helping her and it was alright.
I was slowing becoming silent because how could I understand what that was like ? I have never had anyone help me in the bathroom. My emotions were digging deep as I started going into this broken place over her condition. I felt such sorrow of her longing to live. Being human is beautiful! She was much stronger then me and the grace over her was unbelievable. I started realizing that I took daily things for granite. The simple truth of being able to sit up, use the restroom or walk is a privilege and I was becoming acutely aware and Thankful!
Kim and I returned to her bed. The conversation continued and we were the only ones in the house! The house was so quiet it commanded my ears to listen to this simple truth and wisdom that was flowing from rivers of living waters. Her wisdom from GOD reached deep into my soul.
Tamara Speaking: “Kim, I going to throw some laundry in for you, do you want anything?”
Kim: “No, Tamara, I would give anything to do my laundry again! I love smelling my children’s’ clothing and laughing with wonder as to why chocolate was on the back of a shirt or why a pair of pants has the crotch ripped out.” “ I love folding their socks and wondering why there is only one?”
(My son did this twice when squatting weights in his school pants! J). So, I was thinking to myself, I hate laundry and I complain about the smell, stains, rips and murmur about the time it takes.
I laughed with her about the tales of interesting adventures with her laundry which made her smile and laugh too. I thought, Wow, I don’t enjoy my laundry like she does. The weightiness of this conversation was swelling up my heart.
I went into the kitchen to start something for dinner for her and the kids. They would all be home from school soon and she wanted dinner ready for them. Kim has 5 amazing children who love the LORD and walk in love and mercy. She was an excellent mother who enjoyed everything.
Kim speaking: “Tamara, I would give anything to go into my own kitchen and cook. I love baking cookies and homemade bread.” She made breads and cookies all the time. Kim: “I love it when my house is full of children, friends, family and the smell of fresh food, I love feeding everyone.” “ I miss my kitchen and talking to my kids while they do homework as I cook and wash dishes.” I miss washing my dishes because I was with them.” Kim knew no stranger and was a friend to all and feed all!
Tamara Speaking: “Kim, you are incredible, I hate dishes, I love homemade cookies and bread but only as a partaker, we laughed.” I was trying to make light of the deep lesson I was interacting with. I was crushed yet profoundly moved by Kim’s hearts cry to be a servant of love! I was shaken by the wisdom of gratefulness for the little things that now seemed HUGE. I then went to the laundry room and carried the clothes up the stairs into their hallway for the kids to put away then returned to the her bedside.
Kim Speaking: “ Oh how I wish I could walk to meet them at school, wait for them at the bus and go to their games.” “ I miss that look on their faces when they see mom in the crowd or I embarrass them.” I could see the wisdom in the day to day and the impact it has on life.
Kim Speaking: “ I would do anything to climb up those stairs one last time and tell my children goodnight, hold them and kiss them”. “ I love seeing their messy rooms and watching them sleep”. “ I love telling them goodnight.” Well, at this point my heart was ripped out! I felt helpless and useless. I could not respond only listen to a cry coming from the heart which left mine aching. I wanted the power to change everything for her and to rescue her from this journey. I also wanted to run away from this painful moment.
Well, the kids one by one were coming home and she greeted them from the bed with a big smile and Joy! Each kid would come into the room and speak with her about their day. I told Kim that I needed to go but would be there in the morning. I wanted her to enjoy her moments with her beautiful children that she loved dearly and was so thankful for each of them.
I got into my car feeling numb, and helpless. I called Tom and the boys and told them I was on my way. I felt as if the air was taken out of me. I felt such great pain because Kim loved life and loved living it! I took for granite all of the day to day things. I was overtaken by her simple truths of living life well!
I hit the highway and the flood started without warning. I had to travail through all the pain, agony, frustration, and all the WHY’s? I was crying from a deep well of anguish with moans and groaning. I was pleading for relief of the heaviness and begging FATHER to just heal her so she could do her laundry, bake in her kitchen, shower and go up those stairs to kiss them goodnight. I cried till I hurt physically, my head pounded and throbbed with the rushing well that broke through.
When I got home my life changed. From that day forth, I never complain about laundry again. I enjoy smelling my boys shirt collars. I laugh at the ink pen that exploded in the wash. I sing in tongues to the LORD as I do the laundry. I am thankful for my abilities to move, bend, clean, and stay active. I am thankful to cook, clean, bake, and wash dishes. I am thankful for the little things that mean so much! I am thankful for health and being well.
I take full advantage of the privilege of telling my boys goodnight and saying the prayer together. I still kiss them and hug them because I can! I look at my life as a gift from GOD and not to take it lightly. My sister struggled with the day to day but was so grateful for the little things and yet they are actually big. Don’t take your body for granite or your health. Honor everything GOD has given you. Rejoice, laugh and dance through life. Honor GOD in all you do, HE is watching. Kim was a servant, just like JESUS and a servant is Grateful!
I am so grateful that I CAN do! Life is precious and so are its moments because GOD is in each moment. I am thankful for the day to day and for HIS BRIDE. Kim was a grateful person and the way she lived told a story of life richly.
Beloved as Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner, enjoy the moment. Laugh at the burnt cookies, break out in Joy over the bird that flew off the counter, roll in tears of laughter as the dog licks the butter. Don’t stress about the perfections because life is in the dirty laundry. Laugh at yourself. Yes, these things happen, life happens but enjoy the moments of great impact because KINGDOM gets released.
Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.
Happy Thanksgiving
Love Tamara