Be Thankful for the Lessons
Be thankful for everyone who comes into your life even if they are just passing by. They came to teach you and to learn from you. Therefore you both benefited from the encounter. Some lessons will be painful yet they leave you with a tool, a skill, something that you need and will use in the future.
If you find yourself angry at someone, stop and ask yourself; "Why?"
What about them or the moment caused you anger? If you feel anger you are connected to that person or event in some way, therefore don't be quick to dismiss instead take time to understand as in this moment you will learn about them and maybe more about you.
Don't apologize for loving with all your is what life is about. Don't be overbearing or controlling, yet give yourself to love as you are at your happiest when you give the very best of your essence.
Its OK to not fact your point of view comes from your experiences, therefore instead of trying to persuade others to see life your way, embrace their differences as it is those differences that at some point brought you together.
Remember, there are no mistakes.....there are just missed opportunities. But if we purposely keep missing out on these opportunities placed before us, then we are purposely making mistakes we will learn to regret in our future. -Eileen Gonzalez