Be thankful to god

There are thousands and one uncertainties between two certainties of life. one certainty has already taken place by the bless of almighty and second one, indeed the most beautiful phenomenon of this cosmos is yet to be explored by all of us.

The most fundamental and the most instrumental happening of our life happens naturally on its own certain way. for example- breathing, circulation of blood, feelings...... these all keep on happening irrespective of the situations and circumstances in our life. we do not have choice over these fundamental happenings. yes, where do we want to breath is in our hand to some possible extent. And this is the only area where we can utilize our intelligence, common sense and prerogative rights. Isn't it?

Please feel and consciously experience this very happening of our life that is happening every moment of our life. Hope this would serve its purpose in connecting us more closer to the reality and truth of life. BREATH is coming, Breath is going, Breath is coming, Breath is going, Breath is coming, Breath is going, Breath is coming, Breath is going..................................................................... A day would come when this very breath would go for the last time and would never

Today all of us are together, laughing together, reading together and doing many things together. A day is bound to come when neither you would be here and nor i would be here. How surprising and astonishing it is. Isn't it?

In a way everything within us and around us is full of surprises and mystery. No one exactly knows from where we came and where would we go. Our life-span on this earth is less then momentary if we compare it with the age of this universe.

There is a mighty difference between believing and knowing. There are several religions who claims to believe the source of our creation coupled with our purpose and final destiny. But the matter of the fact is that the truth has nothing to do with someone believing something. All of us in one or the other ways are in the search of the same truth. Realized being proclaims that truth can't be shared like any other things. It is the journey deigned for the single being. In another word, if i am a truth seeker, i must move alone on its path, no can accompany me. Any way we came alone on this earth and sooner or later we would go back alone keeping behind all our relations, kin and kith and all the accumulated wealth, wisdom and knowledge.

Its hard core truth existing on this earth that, everyone can't dare to dive in the ocean of truth. That is the reason of existence of thousands and one religions, gods and goddess, temples, churches, masjid............. Somewhere i feel that these all are the established mechanism to console and sympathize those who are aggrieved on this earth for one or the another reason. People in isolation naturally dives inside in the search of truth. The truth is so unbearable and unexpected and dark in all the senses that one forgoes the conventional way of living and thinking. His way of expression, ways of living and behavior gets completely modified in some unexpected ways. After realizing the truth he finds no such promised supports, no consolations, no sympathy and many more such unexpected experiences. These all post-truth experiences inwardly compels him to divert from the conventionally trodden path. At that point, society coins him as mad, as socially unacceptable........ And those who are afraid of being coined as mad approaches the mediators like religions who promises them to lead to truth in a short cut ways without being coined as mad or socially unacceptable. But the tragedy of our life is that there is no proof that the one who is promising the unpromising is qualified enough to guide us. Moreover the journey of truth does not require any mediator since it is a journey to be measured by the truth seeker himself. And another matter of fact is that one should always choose the toughest path if the choice exists between tough and easy.

No doubt there is someone or something who is taking care of many invisible yet most vital phenomenons of our life. Lets make an attempt to dissect it to the extent humanly possible. The foremost and the most pertinent question in our life is who/what is speaking within us. We all speak something, isn't it? Its different issue whether we understand it or not, or whether it is audible to us or not. But the fact is that we speak. Our very attempt is to reach to the very source. We would be still speaking even though we detach our four limbs, ears, tongue, eyes, kidney........ we speak through vocal cord. Vocal cord in itself is not the source of words that we speak. In a plain and layman terms, we would be continuously speaking till we are graceful enough to breath irrespective of the fact weather our certain body's part is missing or not. Isn't it? Our body in totality is just the mean for expression. Body in itself is incapable of such a majestic phenomenon. There is source for sure. The only unsure part is where the source actually lies. This also manifests the mystery that dwells in our life. So, there is certain source which is out of our reach. That particular source is termed in so many different ways like energy, god............

There are so many things happening within and outside of our life. The only devastating and unfortunate tragedy of our life is that it happening without our consciousness and without our awareness. Life lived in unconsciousness is not a life indeed, its just a unforgivable sin. Life would automatically become more blissful, colorful and full of benediction provided we start becoming more alert and conscious in respect of events occurring in our life.

We are afraid of death, we are afraid of unexpected happenings of our life that is yet to come. We are afraid of tomorrow. We are afraid of entering into new venture. We are afraid of questioning the unquestioned. In a way we are afraid of so many things. Isn't it? And this fear makes us feel insecure, weak, beatable, inferior and unfit for surviving. when we are overwhelmed by such densely packed negativity, we start seeking consolations. Seeking consolations is the major cause of all the disaster happening in and outside the world. Our afraid and fear is the source of business of millions and billions for millions and billions. Can you imagine it? Be 1000% sure, if you are insecure on this earth then all the remaining are also equally insecure. If you will die then remaining all would also die sooner or later, isn't it? The nature has not not been biased with us in any walk of life or for this matter in any term of our life. There is certain and fix law of nature by which we are governed. And the same law of nature applies to all of us. No is spared. In another sense, we all are same in the eyes of nature. For this very reason, there is nothing to be afraid about or scared about. Weakness is such an evil which won't spare you at any point of time and would surely lead you to frustration, depression and finally suicide. So, muster all your courage and give a big kick to weakness from your life. So, good bye to it out-rightly now and forever, yes or no? Yesssssssssssssssssssssss.

So, we were talking about awareness and consciousness. As far as my understanding is concerned, the two very powerful words, "Awareness" and "Consciousness" are inter-related and inter-changeable at the same time. so, Awareness simply means being responsible for all the actions done by you or your body or induced by you directly or indirectly. Since, every action has its corresponding consequences. And escaping from the consequences is something impossible in this universe. If you are capable enough and courageous enough to embrace whole-kindheartedly all the consequences of your actions, then you it is presumed that you are mature enough to take any actions of your choice. The very fear germinates within us when some of the actions taken by us are out of our unawareness. Start being solely responsible for all your actions, then see the miracle happening every moments of your life.

So, directly or indirectly today we are discussing the laws of nature prevailing in our life. So, lets dive more inside it. Expectation is the mother of frustration whereas acceptance is the mother of peace. It is not at all possible to be tolerant to others unless you become tolerant to yourself. Being tolerant to oneself means unconditionally accepting whatever life offers us with whole-being. Accepting our life in its originality and totality should have been as natural as any other things, but unfortunately we have made to so complex and sophisticated that reversing it requires more effort and commitment. Life never happens in the way we expect. If in any case life had to happen as per the expectation, life would not have been so interesting and worth living, to be very honest. There is two choices in front of you. You may choose any one of them as per your discretion. Mind you, there exists no third option. Either believe that, whatever happens in your life happens for a reason, and the reason is bound to be good. 2nd option, believe that, whatever happens in your life is all that you deserve. These two ways are equally potent enough to liberate you and lead to salvation. Mind you, none of the path mentioned above is easy. With continuous practice, patience and persistence, eventually you would surely succeed.

The very moment you start embracing and accepting your life as it is, you would notice abundance of energy flowing within you to take you to next realm of life. Unless you accept your life you can not bring about any change in it. So to upgrade the quality of living, quality of your life, for this matter to administer any kind of change, the basic and fundamental requirement is to accept your life as it is. Once you start accepting your life and all the happening taking place in it without any ifs and buts, Knowingly and unknowingly you are opening all the doors which would lead you to a place where you would be realizing your true potentialities. Moreover, eventually you would realize and see by your own eyes that you have reached even the unreachable. don't forget that on this earth you are capable of doing anything provided you accept your life.

Now lets explore the meaning of accepting in more comprehensive manner. Unexpectedly you failed in your exam. Take a long breath and give a big smile. Accept your failure. you were going to some important meetings or business dealing or for that matter any life changing event. Unfortunately you met an accident and were terribly wounded. Simply accepting it with all the possible big smile. Don't curse anyone. Don't be upset at all. No matter whatever happens in your life, no matter that your very source of butter and bread is stolen, just accept it and give a smile. Don't curse. The day you start living with this grand acceptance, i assure you, you don't need to consult any life guru or religious preachers. The 8th mysterious thing on this earth is the art of accepting which surpasses all other arts. This single art is so mighty and powerful that all other arts would automatically fall in line.

Expecting breeds nothing but frustration whereas creating breeds what you wanted. The choice is in yours hand. If we deeply introspect the very word,"Expecting" it leads us to analyze and conclude that, we want something but either do not want to pay for it or wants to pay little or it. Isn't it? Mind you, Everything on this earth has its consideration and unless you are willing to pay for it you won't get it. That's for sure. The word free of cost exist no where in practical world. It exists only in dictionary. Making sense?. On this earth we have to pay price for each and everything. We get nothing at free of cost. I wold rather say, Indeed we should not take anything unless we have paid adequately for it. Compounding effect is the another law associated with this very law. Lets see, how does it work in our life. Lets suppose, you acquired something from someone and did not pay him or paid it inadequately. Unless you pay him or get rid of that particular debt, the amounts you owe to him keeps on increasing manifold in one or the other way. In simple terms, sooner you get rid of your debt, the better it would be. 2nd thing, once again, nothing can be achieved at lower or free of cost. So, simply make it a habit of paying adequate consideration wherever you go or whatever kind of deal you enter into. Can it be practiced???

Now lets spend some times in talking about heaven and hell. To be very frank and straight forward, both these words, heaven and hell are hollow in nature and baseless too. These two words have successfully corrupt the entire humanity altogether. Can you imagine it? The word,"heaven" gives us false hope and fake support whereas "hell" forces us to live life full of fear and apprehension. The apprehension germinated out of imagination of hell is simply irrational and illogical. I am of the firm believer of the opinion that, if you are potent enough to create heaven for yourself on this earth then no matter wherever you be in this universe you would definitely create heaven for yourself. If you are already in hell on this earth and are not able to convert it into heaven for yourself then no matter wherever you be post death you are doomed to be in hell.

Having the privilege of living on this plant is the greatest gift we are bestowed with. Daily millions of people are stopping to breath permanently and still we are not one of them. What could be more miraculous than this in our life. So, no matter whatever happens in our life, make a practice of saying,"Thank You God". You were going somewhere and broke your hand. Immediately say thank you to God. There was every chance that you might have broken your both hand, isn't it? Even if you missed your both hands, still the god deserves your thank you, reason being, again there was every possibilities that you might have missed your leg as well in addition to your hands. No matter, whatever happens in your life, god needs to be thanked with full devotion, because no matter what the very fundamental happening in your life is still not disturbed. In case if almighty takes our breath, this is the most significant moment of your life, reason being the almighty is taking you to connect with the higher dimension of truth of our existence. God is always kind upon us irrespective of our perceptions about him. He is duty-bound to give the result of our own actions. This is the greatest kind shown by us that he listens to all our actions. Isn't it?

The one who believes in god is called theist and the non-believer of the same is called atheist. This is an old story now. The one who trust in himself is a theist and the one who does not is an atheist. Reason being, unless you trust yourself and believe in yourself, it is not possible at your end to trust and believe in any other.

Thanking you.


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