Be Thankful
I hope that you had a fabulous weekend. Many of us will gather with friends and family this week to give thanks. It’s so easy to get caught up in shopping, decorating and deciding what to prepare that we sometimes forget to plan how we will show thanks or remember the things we’re grateful for. Have you given any thought to what you’re thankful for? As you reflect on 2015, what were the highlights? What are you most thankful for? We have a tradition at my house where everyone at the table talks about something they’re thankful for: health, jobs, relationships, finances or just life itself is a reason to celebrate. This year we will start a new tradition that a friend of mine told me about: a Blessing Jar. Throughout the year, we all deliberately make note of blessings on a piece of paper and put them in the jar. At Thanksgiving, we will set aside time to read through each piece of paper and take a few moments to say thanks for all the blessings in our lives. What is a blessing? Anything that encourages you or brightens your day. It could be a card from someone special, an encouraging phone call, an encouraging word from a friend, an answered prayer, a friend who comforts you through a tough time. You name it. These are your blessings. Record them, and place them in your Blessing Jar. I’m so thankful for your contribution to our industry! If there’s anything I can help with, please pick up the phone.
Something to Think About
You don’t have to wait until next Thanksgiving to start your Blessing Jar tradition. Start this week, and have everyone put blessings in the jar. You can even have a “Counting of Blessings Celebration” on New Year’s Eve.
Weekly Activity
How to start your Blessing Jar:1. Get a large jar or container. A clear one is nice because you can watch it fill up throughout the year.2. Place your jar in a visible location, and keep it there all year long.3. Place a pen and a stack of 3×5 cards or paper next to the jar. Also consider carrying some in your briefcase, bookbag, purse, etc.4. As soon as possible after you experience a blessing, write it down. As soon as you’re near your Blessing Jar, place the paper into the jar. Each blessing is written on its own card or piece of paper.5. At Thanksgiving, or at the end of the year, set aside an hour or so to read through each blessing.6. Bonus: On discouraging days throughout the year, read a few of your blessings for instant encouragement. Be sure to put the blessings back in the jar for the end of the year reading.
Words of Wisdom “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” – William Arthur Ward
We are certainly grateful for our powerful team of agents, and grateful to you as well for your service in our industry. If you've ever considered working with an organization that is there for their agents and makes it their goal to empower them and help them build legacies, we hope you'll contact us today. We are thrilled to provide the support and resources to help agents create amazing careers and leave lasting legacies. If you're ready to make more, achieve more, and dream bigger -- we can help. Call or text me today to learn how we can help!
- Broker-in-Charge Bruce L. Bleiman & Broker/Owner Brandy Gaiser Bleiman Giving Tree Realty: Realtors with Roots in Community Causes - 704-995-3330