It’s no secret that the folks at Squirrel Works love working with transportation companies! But the truth is, we think drivers are pretty great as well! In fact, over the last few months, I did some video work for Ed Lewis Trucking and Smith Transfer and got to know a bunch of hard working truck drivers in the process. Capturing their stories, complaints, and advice on video has been one of the greatest privileges of my career in transportation.
I’m sure you realize this, but I’m going to spell it out anyway--truck drivers deliver all of our essential goods (not some of them, ALL of them). That’s why we celebrate them during this National Truck Driver Appreciation Week: September 9-15.
After all, the trucking industry delivers to our cities, our neighborhoods, our schools, our churches, and our businesses. The trucking industry keeps the shelves of our stores and our gas stations stocked. In fact, the trucking industry is an indispensable driver of our economy--contributing $738.9 billion in revenue a year.
Picture one of millions of trucks traveling our roads today. Behind the wheel of that truck, regardless of thick fog, pounding rain, or terrible traffic, sits one of 3.5 million dedicated truck driving professionals committed to delivering the products that sustain and grow our economy.
80% of communities in the US rely 100% on trucking for the delivery of their goods. You know what that means--fewer truck drivers on the road equates to slower deliveries, higher prices, and less satisfaction! Think about it--roads without truck drivers means businesses without products, hospitals without supplies, schools without materials, buildings left unbuilt. The US and our economy would come to a standstill!
Here at Squirrel Works, we see trucking companies on a regular basis. We love working to help them with their marketing needs, but the truth is we don’t always appreciate their value. We’re like everyone else. How many people stop to consider just how much the trucking industry contributes to our daily lives, our communities, and our economy? I’d bet the answer is not too many.
Now think about this--How many of us take the time to stop and thank the driver behind the wheel?
During this week-long celebration of truck drivers, hosted every September, we simply want to say thanks to these hard-working men and women. This week, I hope you will join me and take a moment out of your busy day to reflect on the importance of a truck driver’s work.
If you see a driver, please use it as an opportunity to say thank you to these real-life heroes.