Thank Your Critics, Ignore Your Haters
I use to hate critics! That is until I began to value the role that they have played and continue to play in my life. Nowadays, I simply want to choose to say thank you!
Before I knew the difference, I lumped both critics and haters in the same pot. The constant negative attacks, usually never constructive, use to appall me. Predictably, a certain type of person who really didn’t know me but had the foresight to tell me all about myself! At the time, I didn't realize that this type of person was a not a person of value, a true critic, that type of person was a hater, masquerading as a critic!
I believe that leaders should on some level care about criticism, because whether warranted or not, whether politically motivated or not, or rather just plain envy, critics often help create a moment of deep personal reflection. That said, I don’t allow criticism to have a deep emotional power over me, but I have learned to evaluate it or perhaps allow it to force me to recheck either a position, a strategy, or a solution that I am advocating for.
Unfortunately, we have some folks who are falsely aligning themselves with critics, when in fact they are not, they are just haters! So, it is imperative to know the difference between a critic vs a hater.
Haters will never be pleased! They will be the first to comment on what they perceive is wrong. They never say "Good job" or "Way to go!" They only live to insult you or your work. They may or may not actually like you, but even if they do, they are not there to help you grow. Haters only want to see your downfall. They thrive on insults, name calling, and gossip. They seek to grow their reputation by being the one who will put you in your place! Unfortunately, they tend to be oblivious to the fact that this type of human interaction has more to do with some of their own unresolved negative internal issues.
I have learned to ignore them. I laugh at their intentional wannabe offensive social media posts, or their silly email blasts about how “Milwaukee deserves better”, or how they are much smarter than me, because they understand an issue on a much deeper level than I do. Once you consider the source, it becomes easier to determine whether someone is a hater, a person who simply doesn't like you, doesn't want you to succeed, and will never be pleased with anything you do.
However, constructive criticism, when provided by a critic and not a hater, can be quite beneficial. With constrictive criticism you should learn, you should grow, you should become stronger, smarter, and better as a result of the criticism. This never happens with haters, you get absolutely nothing out of interacting with haters!
As an elected official, a businessman, and dare I say it, an intelligent black man, I have had to learn the difference between a critic and a hater. I have come to value, appreciate, and even seek out my critics. They have helped me not only succeed in my professional life, but also in my personal life. Critics have helped me open my mind to alternative ways of thinking, being, doing, and responding. Critics have helped me financially, spiritually, and even physically.
When it's all said and done, critics have been more valuable to me than I could have ever imagined. I use to hate critics, until I realized just how valuable they've been, they are now, and they always will be to me! To them, I say Thank You!
Jason M. Fields, CFEI, CCRS is the Managing Director of Dark Knight Capital Ventures, Wisconsin State Representative of the 11th Assembly District, and a candidate for City of Milwaukee Comptroller.