Thank you for your support.
I don’t believe my life has ever been better. I’m so in the flow these days. I’m a very lucky man.
I wake up in my own, very comfortable bed, and feel rested and ready to go. I look out upon beautiful landscapes and stunning birds buzzing and chirping around. This morning, I meditated as a rabbit drank water outside. The sunrises are always a sight to behold, matched only by the sunsets and the Milky Way. Occasionally I see a shooting star.
I feel energized about my photography work. I’m bidding weddings, and working on new books. I’m stocking my store with old books and prints. I’m submitting to galleries and exhibiting work. I’m constantly inspired to to revive old ideas that I’ve put aside, and start new ones that are occurring to me at a rapid pace. I’ve got a list to help me keep track, intuition to help me pick which to work on, focus, to minimize the distractions, and drive to keep me at it.
I’m enjoying the going through old boxes and revisiting past lives. Some things make me smile, others bring me to tears. They all went into storage nearly a decade back, and that was many lifetimes ago for me. It wonderful to live among my things again and let go of those I no longer need. There’s been a lot of shredding.
It’s nice to check boxes off of my to-do list. I’m reading more, and getting my life together. I’m journaling again. I hope to get my passport renewed soon and have a reason to use it. There are so many things that just kept getting kicked down the road and it’s nice to finally be able to get to them.
Despite everything feeling so right, or perhaps because of it, I still need your support.
Photo gigs aren’t booking in as quickly as I would like. Books and prints aren’t selling as well as I would like. And, while I live a very frugal life, I do need some money coming in to survive. I’ve worked very hard to get here, and I’d like to keep at it.
So, first of all, thank you. If you’ve booked me, reviewed me, or promoted me on The Knot or WeddingWire, it’s appreciated. If you’ve visited my Etsy or Society6 stores, purchased a 50 Couches in 50 Nights book, a print, or any other item, it hasn’t gone unnoticed. I especially like the carryall pouches with my images on Society6. If you’ve checked out my work in a gallery, online or in person (more news coming soon!), I’m grateful. Even sharing, commenting on, and liking one of my photo posts, helps. I’m spend most of my days at home, alone, plugging away, so all of you are my community. A like makes me think of you. A comment, share, or review brings a smile to my face. And, a booking or sale has me dancing around the house.
However, sometimes I feel as if the bottom is going to drop out from underneath me, that I’ll have to give up this life, put my stuff in storage, and go back to being a nomad. It’s stressful and depressing. I feel like maybe I’m not as creative and talented as I think. Maybe I’m not smart enough or perhaps I’m not working hard enough. I know things take time to build and take hold, but I worry that maybe I don’t have that time. I don’t have a wife, family is far away, and I’m pretty isolated out here. You’re my support system. I like to be independent and strong, but the truth is, I need you. And, I’m lucky to have you. So, if you like the work I’m doing, please keep showing it. You have no idea how happy it makes this old man.
Thank you.