Thank you for your service ... .
11-12-2017 -- Prayer for Veterans Day Sunday (Major Robert T. Jordan, U.S. Marine Corps -- Retired)
Almighty God,
Though You made us in your image, we fall far short of the righteousness that your Son showed us by living a sinless life and then bearing our sins when He shed his blood on the painful cross at Calvary.
You give us wisdom and hope ... strength and understanding ... and you give us men and women who defend us from evils in this world – sometimes at the cost of their very lives.
We praise you for raising up these patriots and for the honor we have of living in this great nation founded upon Christian love and freedom. Thank you for the sacrifices of our forefathers who sacrificed their lives and their fortunes to establish this great nation. Thank you, God, for giving them the inspirations and wisdom to create a new nation – under God == indivisible – that respects the inalienable rights of liberty and justice for all.
We come together this day to honor those brave souls who serve our nation in the military – especially those who surrendered all of their tomorrows for our todays. Unselfish men and women of honor who believed in something greater than themselves -- men and women who love this country who willingly go in harm’s way so we can live in safety.
Lord ... we ask that you bless our veterans ... past and present ...who followed our flag into dangerous places on land, in the air and over stormy seas. And, dear Lord, we also ask a special blessing for those who have borne the battle and suffered wounds of the body, mind and spirit. Heal their wounds, Lord and make them whole. Protect those who serve today here and abroad. And bless and protect their families who support them with unselfish love and understanding.
Now we come to return a small portion of the bounty that you have given us. As we reflect on the amazing sacrifice of our Lord and Master – Jesus Christ – let us joyfully share this day so that your work may be done ... and that those who remain in the darkness will be guided by the light of your word and be saved.
#AmericanWarriors #God'sGrace #WarriorSacrifice #FamilySupport #Patriotism