No Thank-you to Threads!
Leesa Harwood FRSA
Business Owner at By The Waves Charity Consulting. Charity adviser, leadership coach and mentor, interim CEO, income generation specialist. Dorset NHS Non Exec Director (She/her). All views my own.
Almost everywhere I turn, my contacts and colleagues are talking about shifting away from Twitter and onto Meta’s new social platform Threads.
Six months ago I decided to give up two habits for the benefit of my health and wellbeing (see my blog here). One of them was Twitter. I decommissioned my personal and professional Twitter accounts (along with Facebook, TikTok and others) and spent time doing non-social media related activities instead. Since then, I have spent more time at the beautiful Dorset coast and countryside, exercised more, spent more in-person time with old friends and made new ones too. I have even rekindled my love of creative writing, taken two courses and joined a local writer’s group.
My fear that I would miss out or lose business opportunities was groundless. LinkedIn continues to help me to keep in touch with my professional networks, along with e-mail, Zoom chats and old fashioned, in-person catch-ups. My business has never been so busy.
In my personal life I have more time to be still, reflect and maintain perspective. I no longer concern myself with how many followers or retweets I have. I don’t care what people think of the peaks and troughs of the lives of others. I no longer read the hate, the judgement and the opinion that flows through the electronic ether. I never worry about how my Tweets have landed or been interpreted.
But recently, something happened that tested my resolve. I saw my colleagues extolling the benefits of Threads. I watched them gleefully embracing this alternative chatter-fest, jabbing away at screens, and feverishly learning how to work the new Twitter. I admit that I was tempted to run with the online crowd again. Over the last few weeks, thanks to Threads, the shadow of FOMO has loomed large. I almost cracked.
But then I looked at my diminishing screen-time stats over the last 6 months, I reviewed my time spent exercising, my time at the beach on tech-free walks and acknowledged the glorious lack of noise in my head thanks to the absence of chatter and pings on my phone screen.
Tonight, instead of joining Threads and ramping up my scrolling, I’ll be reading through the flash-fiction sent over by my fellow writers to read in advance of our night out later this week. Instead of joining the online crowd I’ll be meeting my fellow writers for dinner, comparing our work-in-progress novels. Later this week I’ll be paddling in the sea, walking the dog, chatting to neighbours, watching (and laughing at) my comedic chickens and doing a bit of gardening. Then I’ll head to the gym, or for a swim in the local pool where I’ve met some fabulous people.
I made a decision not to sacrifice my peace and perspective to support Elon Musk's business. Nor does Mark Zuckerberg deserve to take chunks of time from my life either. I have absolutely no desire to become fodder for a cage-fight between two overblown, male egos. And I doubt that, on my death bed I'll whisper that I wish I had spent more time scrolling.
So, you won’t find me on Threads, you’ll find me at the beach, in the garden, getting some exercise, curled up with a book or out with friends. If you’re joining the Thread crowd, have fun and take care out in the chattersphere. I'm sure that for many people it will be a source of joy, affirmation, confidence and friendship. But after six, scroll-free months I think I can get all of these benefits elsewhere. If you want to get in touch, there’s always LinkedIn – or, if you get sick of scrolling, I would love you to join me on the beach.
Have a great summer.