Thank You Snowden
Doctors For equal rights for mental and physical pain
Thank You Snowden
Thank you Edward Snowden for informing us of our governments covert methods to spy on ordinary Americans .For without your patriotic efforts I would have never understood how 18 of my patients with chronic pain were wrongfully arrested for minor traffic violations in 2011.
Like so many of my mental-health colleagues I felt confident in the sanctity of patient confidentiality well protected by HIPPAA regulations.
I was very wrong.
My patients from diverse backgrounds and different towns from Maryland Virginia the District of Columbia and West Virginia would be arrested for possession of controlled substances and often told the prescribing doctor ,Dr Salerian, myself was a known drug dealer under DEA investigation.
Thank you Snowden for opening my eyes. Thank you for helping me learn how DEA spy on Americans with chronic pain and pain doctors by tracking them through license plates and prescription records.