“Say thank you to your brother…sister…friend…uncle…aunt …teacher…GOD”. All of us have heard such lines thousands of times in our childhood. During our early life each of us was trained like this. We followed all such training till we grew up. But as soon as we grew up and became self dependent, we forgot to say THANK YOU. We started to take everything for granted. We stopped thanking our parents because we felt it was their duty to do everything for us. We stopped thanking our siblings because now we had our own lives. We stopped thanking our friends for their time and concern. And above all we stopped thanking GOD for whatever he has bestowed upon us. Even we started blaming HIM for all that is wrong with our lives.
THANK YOU is just a small word but if it comes straight from our heart, it really means a lot. So from now on, let’s start thanking every person in our life who has helped us to become what we are today. THANK YOU GOD for the wonderful life you have given. THANK YOU my family to be with me in my thick and thin. THANK YOU friends for showing me the mirror when I was wrong. THANK YOU bad times without you good times would never have been so precious. A big THANX to you as you have taken out some time to read these lines…:-)