Thank You Rentomojo!
Hello all,
COVID 19 has hit people very hard but thi story is of before lockdown (No
When you move in the new city and get into rented apartment, you make sure that land owner is not creepy and act sensible as well as legal. Most of the tenants do not know how to tackle a bad landlord claiming false statements , demands and keep you bounded in his/her dominance by taking your right away to move out as per your need.
As per Indian law , one month notice is required to let the owner know that you will be moving out from the apartment , I did the same when I got a job offfer from New York, so I have to shift from Bangalore to New York.
I have been compassionate to my owner, I managed my employer to delay the joining because I have to get him the replacement ( as per my landlord). Please note, as per Indian law tenant is not responsible to get LANDLORD the replacement. Still I obeyed him, and as a result two months passed away. I could have moved out in the second month but still I waited, as per her request. But limits were crossed when 4 months in total was passed.
I closed the subscription of my rented furniture in the starting week of February 2019, (the month when I moved out of Bangalore, in order to spend some quality time with my parents. Since my notice period extended to 4 months , and I left my previous job I can not accomodate the illegal request of my landlord to stay / get the replacement.
Eventually, the owner took my furniture and did not return to rentomojo team. Owner and watchman started saying lie that they do not owe the furniture, but as a result truth is always power and invincible, I confirmed with my sources and asked RENTOMOJO to take strict action against them .
The team of rentomojo were sent with my papers to my previous flat , still the liars (Landlord and Watchman) keep on denying the fact that they do not have any furniture. When you are geniune , you did not fear to get inspected, but those liars were accused of speaking lies.
Kudos to the man Mr, Kumar who yelled and opened the room door, and tanaa !! , the IKEA furniture which I had subscription from them was still there, locked in a room .
MORAL OF THE STORY : GOD HELP PEOPLE WHO DON'T SAY LIE AND ARE COMPASSIONATE TO OTHERS. My landlord started exploiting my compassionate heart, I could have vacated the apartment very next month, but I still stayed there for the next three months. He started using me , so eventually RENTOMOJO spotted their lies and came to save me like a GOD.
- Please stay away from the landlords who misuse your compassion.
- Always follow the path of truth.
- Be aware of your TENANTS right so that you are not exploited.
Get a rented furniture so that , a professional team help you to limit the landlord exploit nature