Thank you Mrs. Covids (18/19)
When you think about it a little, life and the road we carve through it, comes down to manifesting our choices in the potential that lays ahead of us. How we make choices is one of the "fils rouges" through the process of divine co-creation.
As a child, we follow the choices that are being made for us. As a teenager and going through puberty, we test our own decisions to the extent that we are allowed. Often we rebel, which in my opinion is a healthy way to learn.
As an adult, we make our own choices. A good way to find out if you're in this stage of life is to ask yourself if you value your parent's advice any different from someone else's information. As an independent individual or adult, you shouldn't.
The way I experienced making choices, was that in the first part of my adult life, I made choices, either out of reaction, instinctively, or with my mind.
Reactions, as the word implies, are based on past experiences, either consciously or unconsciously. We re-act. The instinct results in our fight, freeze, or flight mechanism, basically driven by fear and survival. Choices made with our minds are founded in the agenda's of our partners of co-creation. I remember a coaching session in my corporate days, where I found out that what I called logic, was only logical to me. It is very personal. I called it common sense.
This kind of making choices are either based on the past or based on fear. Oh, I also made emotional choices, but these choices have their origin in our childhood woundings and our part of our partners of co-creation.
The moment I started to wake-up into life and became conscious, a new type of making choices entered my reality. Consciousness evokes aliveness, and this results in awakening our feeling or energetic body. Aliveness animates our inner senses or intuition. Intuition is often confused with emotional choices but is very different.
Aliveness requires the courage to be vulnerable, so we get to discover our most subtle sensitivities. The more we get to expand our consciousness, making our way through the seven layers of reality, the more aliveness we cultivate. We feel more profound and more intense, on the light end, as well as on the dense end of the spectrum.
Once we get to feel deeply how, for example, betrayal, rejection, or injustice feels like, we get very motivated to make different choices. The emotions that accompany these feelings pass through much faster than they used to. Now, they flow through known grounds. Our expanded consciousness and the recognition of our selves, take care of that.
Liberating our intuition comes at a price, different for all of us, but aligned with what we don't want to let go of. It is called sacrifice.
Once intuition became part of my reality, every creation I made, was a means to tune my intuition. And of course, I still use my mind and remember my industrial formation. It is a co-creation after all.
A co-creation that might require reframing some of our partner's agendas by feeling into their intentions. We created them to protect our hearts, and as I came to understand, they are part of a larger plan. It includes n-ego-tiation and sacrifice.
The driving forces underneath the whole process are the fifteen virtues of co-creation. How would your decision-making change, if you had more clarity, engagement, kindness, compassion, courage, patience, persistence, ...?
And then, ..., in those moments, where I'm able to fully enter life, through the gates of the present moment, no more choices have to be made, as the one who believes he has to make choices merges with the flow of life.
These moments are where presence and surrender merge, and "I" get to die and be free. These moments are the fruit of the whole process of divine co-creation.
The first step was to become aware of all the choices I made in a single day. How many of them did I make consciously, and how many I stopped making as they had become part of my habitual patterns?
Thank you Mrs. Covids,