Thank you Mrs. Covids (14/19)
What, how, and our capacity to share is the fuel on all levels of co-creation. It is the energy that drives all the engines underneath.
Do we share what's on our minds, and do we share what's in our hearts? How we share includes all of the ways of giving and receiving. Giving and receiving are one of our most conditioned actions that are part of our daily lives. They are a perfect gateway to the expansion of our consciousness and the clarity of our intentions.
The moment we are able to give without wanting anything in return - not even appreciation -, is the moment we touch upon devotion. It is the turning point on the fourth level of reality. A quality we'll need in the more expanded layers down the road. It is helpful to know that nature doesn't have the labels of giving and receiving, they are of the humankind.
The sun doesn't give light or warmth, it is the consequence of its being.
Honesty has many shades and colors. We can only be honest with what we're conscious about. Sharing is a perfect way to deepen our honesty as we get feedback from others. The other is always able to see us better than we can see ourselves.
The simplest and most profound practice we can engage with, in daily life, to expand our consciousness is to listen to what we say to others, especially when we believe we are giving advice.
Everything we say and especially the things we so often repeat to others, we're actually saying to ourselves. Just listen to what you say and reflect on it a little later with an open and humble mind.
Sharing also includes the dynamics of taking and allowing. This dynamic shines a light on our deeper intentions and touches upon different layers of honesty.
But besides how we share with others, the process of co-creation always brings us back to the inner journey. How we share with all of ourselves is where sustainable change happens. All of ourselves being all of our bodies and the partners of co-creation we have discovered so far.
Each sharing will bring about new needs and wants to the surface. Some will be subject to let go of, others lead to clarifying and deepening our initial engagement.
Thank you Mrs. Covids,