Thank you Mrs. Covids (14/19)
Letting go is part of our nature, but our human conditioning is wired the opposite way. We prefer to hold on, accumulate, and cherish what we have. It is part of who we are, but everything we have, adds to what we might have to let go of. Valuing the process more than the result is the way to go.
If we want to be fully awake and part of life, we have to connect with the tunes that animate the dance of letting go. These tunes are courage, compassion, and acceptance. Updating our understanding of these tunes is the first step.
Once we give these tunes our attention, we're ready to learn the necessary dancing steps. Rest assured, the steps are natural and easy to learn. It's the tempo of the music that keeps on changing.
It might take years, decades, or even longer to fully grasp the potential this dance offers. We get better with each dance and get to move more gracefully on the dance floor of life.
This dance is about integrating the paradoxes of life. One insight that changed everything for me is that there's no such thing as letting go. Letting go is about acceptance. You cannot let go of something that does not belong to you. You have to own it.
Everything you cannot be, holds you from your full potential. A "yes" is only a free choice if "no" is a valid possibility as well.
One of the fruits of this dance is the blissful state of surrender and the deepened trust that comes along with it. It brings us in touch with the feminine aspects of our beingness and life as a whole.
Thank you, Mrs. Covids,