Thank you Mrs. Covids (12/19)
The very essence of human life is duality, a duality I describe as consciousness and aliveness. The core of being is oneness. The process of divine co-creation is the process of integrating both aspects; we are human beings, after all, not human doings.
The masculine ingredient of the process is the practice of the mirror of life. Something we can do actively, and the fruit of this practice is consciousness.
The feminine ingredient is the practice of letting go, and the fruits this practice offers is aliveness. I'll share more about this practice in a future article.
The mirror of life allows us to become conscious about what we don't know and can't see.
The first part of the equation of the mirror of life is rooted in the fifth fundamental principle of human nature. The principle states: "Our energetic blueprint is transmitted around us and attracts all that resonates with it. One way of looking at it is that we manifest ourselves all around, like a self-fulfilling prophecy."
The second part of the equation is that our beingness is one with everything.
The equation results in the following statement;
"Everything we resist to is part of our humanness (bleuprint) we haven't discovered yet."
The number of reflections and examples are endless. For the sake of being an article, I want to share three categories of our environment that provide for numerous reflections in the mirror of life.
The first one is nature. By observing nature and projecting what we see towards ourselves, we learn about our beingness and ways to connect with it.
The second one includes all of the others. When someone says something that triggers us, it means that something is there to be triggered. We usually react in some form of resistance and projection. This can be a simple judgment, sarcasm, disapproval, or even disgust.
The other is not the source of our discomfort. On the positive end of the spectrum, our admiration for someone or something reflects our potential.
A third category is the "special" other, being our family members and our intimate partner. This category will teach us about our conditional concept of love.
We can easily escape the reflections of the first two categories through denial, power, and control. But the "special" other will do what's needed to touch the layers of protection around our hearts.
Each time we expand our consciousness, new choices present themselves. Each time our virtues deepen, allowing us to continue our journey.
At any time, you can settle for the comfort a particular layer of consciousness and aliveness provides. But in my experience, we're not in control of that.
Thank you Mrs. Covids,