Thank You, LinkedIn Friends!
Today, November 28, 2019, is the Thanksgiving holiday in the USA, As I just discovered by following the link I created, it's our oldest holiday, having been created by President George Washington in 1789, originally to celebrate the harvest. Like most of my fellow Americans, I don't live on a farm, so the original purpose of the holiday doesn't resonate with me.
However, I totally agree with the general idea (for most of us) of Thanksgiving as a day to think about the meaning of our lives and simply to focus on all the "blessings" that we enjoy. I surrounded the word "blessings" in quotes because I am not using it in any religious sense, but just the idea that we should be mindful of what's great about our lives instead of stressing out about whatever problems we face. In that sense, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It's miraculous that I can get up each morning and I can "make the world a better place" (whatever that means). That's a blessing in and of itself, worthy of thanks.
We all share this. We may differ about the source of this blessing. To me, it doesn't matter whether you think of the source as some sort of God, a "higher power", or the Big Bang. The fact that we are all human beings and are connected to each other is enough.
So to all of my 4,603 LinkedIn friends, please accept my wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving. May we pause at the beginning of each new day to give thanks, in whatever form we are comfortable with, so that every day is Thanksgiving for all of us.
Thank you.