Thank YOU! In Gratitude to you, I'm going to Start by Writing a Letter to yes. ;-D
Heidi Heyns
HeidiLove? Transformational Thought Leader | Writer & Storyteller ??? | Voice Actor | Personal Development | Traveling ???? Pet Caregiver | Host of ’Heidi & Co.’?? | Spreading Laughter, Joy & Spiritual Connection ??????
Hi there you! I have to tell you...I wrote this letter a few days back:
"Dear Buddha,
I know you don't know me from Adam, but, I've got this little newsletter I promised to launch and, well, you see, I have a few questions I wanted to ask you before I get a long ways into this whole newsletter thing. I hope you have the time to listen and reply. I'd really love to hear what you have to say.
You see, Buddha, I'm not exactly some big deal like Mel Robbins or anything, so I kinda wondered, you know, like where do I get off thinking that I have anything to say that people are going to wanna read on any regular basis. You know?
I mean, really. It's, well, I know I have a lot of experience teaching people to laugh and all, and that I do know what seems like a lot of secrets about holding joy really close inside, like a precious little velvet bag of jewels. Not so close or tight they cut you, but close enough they always remind you they're there and you never forget them. Things like that.
And yes! I know, Mel Robbins wasn't always - "! ! O M G ! ! ! M e l R o b b i n s ! !" Before that she was just Mel.
It's just that I don't want to go getting all big with myself, you know? Pretending that I'm all that and a bag of chips, like they say...So, Buddha, I want to ask you, you know, is what I have to say something that people will, well, you know, value. AND more importantly, Buddha, that I will be able to deliver it like my own brand of magic to them. The kind of magic they can tuck away and keep close. The kind of magic that delivers itself into their hearts and souls ever so gently and ever so lovingly, and ever so musically, whenever it's needed or wanted.
You are like, well, you know things, Buddha. You know! So, like do you feel inside, like do you think that if I have these secrets burning a hole in my heart wanting to come out and I share them willingly, with nothing but love, do you think that will be something that will lift people's hearts and show them how to find greater joy and love and peace and all that amazing good stuff?
I promise if you say yes to any of these questions about these hopes and dreams I have, dear Buddha, that I will open my heart and open my life and dreams and...and I will do all of this to the very best of my ability in the service of anyone who feels curious or drawn to what I write.
Thank you so much, Buddha, sir.
Your friend, always
And you know what? Buddha never answered.
Yes, I know that Buddha doesn't write to anyone. And I know that You know that I didn't actually write a letter to Buddha.
The truth is that I'm a LOT blown away that you and nearly eleven hundred other people have put some faith in my writing and my potential possibility as a writer-of-a-newsletter and that, well that's news as of today and that friggin knocked me into next week! LOL
Seriously, some of what's going on is that we are in a pretty messed up space right now on the planet, you AND I know that. We ALSO know that not EVERYTHING is messed up AND what I do know for sure, is that a lot of what I have picked up along the widely diverse road of my life has proven meaningful to a fair number of people so far, and, with your honesty and listening and the growth and communication we share going forward, we can become pretty meaningful to each other.
Besides, we are powerful beyond measure, each of us, and with that power contained in each of us, who KNOWS what we are capable of, anyway!
I'm gonna drop a song I love that's kinda relevant here, from a guy who has helped to transform my life in ways I will go into next week...Andy Grammer...if you don't know him, you might find yourself quite pleasantly surprised...Please enjoy..."Lease on Life"
I've got a feeling you're going to like some of the things I look forward to sharing with you that. And I think they may be just the sort of thing you will find helpful in making you feel happy or relaxed, moved, inspired, meditative or a whole lot of other ways of being, or maybe just plain ole sleepy if you're lucky! There is a lot to be said for finding a way to get some darn good sleep, isn't there!
Amen to that! Amen to that, brother!
And with that, I will close with your, I'll work on a funner name for 'em:
Take a sec now to put this as a reminder or a calendar event into your phone for each of the next seven days, at random times:
"'A Breathe In this Moment' Kind of Pause"- "Stop for no less than three seconds. Take stock of THIS moment - and.. THIS moment, Look around the space you are in, into the distance or nearby...You're looking for something you've never noticed before. Once you see it, whatever IT is, take a second to appreciate that you've just expanded your day and your awareness. Breathe in deep. Hold your breath for just a moment and then Slowly exhale. With a Smile. Maybe add a chuckle. ;-D
I love you. Thank you for inviting me in front of you to share my heart. I appreciate you deeply, Love and Laughter, Heidi
P.S. Maybe we can find a different word than 'Assignment' if anyone experiences that as tedious or banal. LOL (shrug)