Thank You to Good and Honest Workers! (GOAPS).
I pause to acknowledge and to thank you for your great work for the greater health of our planet Earth. For all those opportunities at self-interest that you have foregone, often at great penury to yourself, we thank you. It is because of you that the planet continues to be home for all of us, and for the criminals among us. Our Earth continues to maintain dynamic equilibrium because you outnumber and outwork our criminal fellows. Do not tire. Do not despair. You must continue to live and work among our criminal fellows to afford them opportunity at benign improvement. You offer them invaluable inspiration for betterment. Without you or them, we would all lose our purpose in life here on Earth, and you provide a check on their numbers, the tilt in favor of our dynamic equilibrium. To be sure, we will continue to wobble when their numbers and work threaten yours, but true north, you will continue to guide us. For that, we say Thank You.
Please accept my very best wishes for your greater health and strength.