Thank you, football
As a kid, I always used to wonder why we Indians would cheer for arch-rivals Brazil/Argentina at the FIFA World Cup. Unsure if it had anything to do with our shared cultural heritage with those nations or our fondness for their athletes, but we always find ourselves rooting for them. I was rooting for Argentina from the start and boy did they deliver !!!
Argentina's win today at the 2022 Fifa World Cup is a momentous occasion for all the Football (not used to calling it soccer) fans across the globe, as it marked their 3rd time winning the cup. This win was particularly moving because it could be the last time we get to witness Messi (10) on this stage. Thank you, Messi, for being YOU.
Undoubtedly,?the?majority?of?you?will?agree?that?this?was?the?BEST?football?final?EVER.?It?was?an?amazing?demonstration?of?athleticism,?planning, teamwork, luck,?and?sportsmanship. I forgot to breathe at times due to the see-saw nature of the game. There are several life lessons that can be learned from Argentina's win, I wanted to capture and share 5 of them here :-
"Keep Going No Matter What"
-- On November 22, Argentina's World Cup experienced the worst conceivable start as they lost 2-1 to Saudi Arabia, who famously overcame a deficit to win. Most experts dismissed them; some even referred to them as chokers. Despite being down, Argentina showed resiliency by earning outstanding victories in response to the Saudi Arabia setback. They backed themselves and used the failure as stepping stone/motivation. The result was pretty obvious, they rose like phoenix and never looked back. Keep?trying; Never, never give up.
"Teamwork and Collaboration"
-- Argentina's victory also serves as a reminder of the value of collaboration and teamwork. Despite the towering presence of Lionel Messi (arguably GOAT), they worked together to create scoring opportunities, defend against their opponents, and ultimately emerge victorious. The fact that they were able to find "horses for courses" and have someone step-up to take the burden off Messi , was no mean feat and testament to their teamwork.
"Perseverance and Determination"
-- The Argentine team faced numerous challenges and setbacks on their journey to the World Cup, including a difficult group stage. They?had?to?overcome?the?penalty?shootout?challenge?twice?in?the?knockout?rounds;?some?of?it?may?have?been?their?own?fault,?but?they?continued?in?moving?forward?with?a?single-minded?focus?on?the?goal.?They?finally?saw?the?fruits?of?their?labor?when?they?lifted?the?trophy?into?the?field. It is important to stay focused and not loose sight of the target.
"Stay calm and be flexible"
-- Argenitina's victory further emphasizes the importance of adaptability and circumstance-based strategy. While the team certainly had talent and skill, they also knew their short-comings, for example, in the second half and 2nd extra-time, they knew they cannot match Mbappe's speed and agility, they slowed down the game and played to their strenght -- penalty shootout. This serves as a reminder that sometimes, even the best-laid plans can be impacted by factors outside of our control and it is extremely important that we remain calm and adapt to the situation.
"Success can only grow from failure"
And, finally the most important lesson of the day. This is not from the Argentina team or the French team but from one single player who has given it ALL. Mbappe is the
Yet, he is on the losing side. It must have crushed his soul, but I believe he took it like a champ. It has happened to most of us, despite our best (sometimes greatest) efforts we might not attain the deserving end result. Without failure, we don’t learn and our movement toward success is stagnated. It is important to understand that it is NOT your turn this time and keep at it.
In conclusion, Argentina's win at the 2022 World Cup serves as a reminder of the importance of perseverance, teamwork, and the role of luck in achieving success. These lessons can be applied to any situation, whether it be in sports, business, or personal endeavors. Never gave up and continue to fight until the very end.