Thank you, Dad, for Your Service, Your Leadership and Your Legacy of Love to Our Family
On this Veteran's Day, I salute my Dad, a WWII copilot and recipient of a Distinguished Flying Cross. Thank you for your service and the gift of The Wednesday Pen: a Grandfather's Legacy to His Family. That is my Dad on the right in the photo above at the WWII Memorial. He's now 91 years young.
I didn't hear much about my Dad's war experiences until he started writing my oldest son, Ryan. He began this wonderful gift of letters when Ryan turned 13. A business move had taken my Dad to another town, but he still wanted to influence and have an impact on Ryan, his first grandchild, as he entered manhood. So he wrote him this first letter:
"When you became a teenager, I realized I hadn't been with you or visited with you as much as I wanted. Once when I was lamenting not seeing you, a business associate gave me a pen to use on Wednesdays to write you and share some of my thoughts and experiences with you, since I probably won't be in Milwaukee anymore for the foreseeable future. I kind of thought it was a neat idea. I would prefer being with you and talking and answering questions, but maybe this can be a substitute. This short note format will keep me from "talking" too long, a malady affecting older persons, and my letters won't be too long for you to read them quickly."
Every Wednesday for the next five years, my Dad composed and mailed a letter filled with life lessons and infused with insights to his eldest grandchild. In the five years leading to Ryan’s eighteenth birthday and the last letter, my Dad never missed a week, not one. And that’s how his book, The Wednesday Pen: a Grandfather’s Legacy to His Family, was born.
It didn't matter about the subject; it would be a chance to "grandfather" Ryan on a regular basis. He chose to write every Wednesday, offering just a few words of encouragement or military stories or thoughtful tips and ideas.
He condensed his "thought for the week” to a small notepad which he learned made it doable, and enabled his grandson to stay in touch with his Grandfather.
Little did my Dad know he was staying in touch with me as well. I read each one, and kept them all, not knowing exactly what I was going to do with them. However, it soon became clear. The Wednesday Pen: a Grandfather’s Legacy to His Family could become not only my Dad's legacy to his other grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but an anthology of traditions, wisdom and teachings that other families could use as well.
I compiled and edited the letters, indexed the book, and found a publisher so that his timeless lessons and stories could be shared. In honor of Veteran's Day, here's one he wrote about finding a spy:
"To Ryan: While reminiscing with some old friends lately, I told them an interesting war story that happened in Europe during World War II. A friend of mine, a pilot, went to Italy with his crew as a replacement. The B-24 Bomb Group had lost ten ships and crews during the prior few months. The planes had taken off on bombing missions. About the time their landing gear was being retracted, the plane would blow up. One plane and crew lost; a week later another; a couple days one hundred airmen. About that time, the executive finance officer took his suspicions to the commanding officer. They acted quickly. The line chief (sergeant in charge of the crew chiefs of each individual plane--that is, mechanics) was called in to explain why he had sent home $1,000 after each 'accident'. After questioning, he admitted that he had taken German spy money ($1,000 per plane). Before each mission, his job was to inspect all planes. He would plant a demolition bomb in the locking device of the landing gear. Before the men could get to him, they court-martialed and shot him! Love, Grandpa"
It's my Dad's life--how he has lived and what he taught us--that is his legacy to his family. What a significant gift he has given us with his letters. Thank you, Dad, for always challenging me to grow, unconditionally loving me, and inspiring my spirit.
To celebrate my Dad and Veteran's Day, I'm offering The Wednesday Pen: a Grandfather’s Legacy for His Family at no cost except the $7 postage and handling through the weekend. Click here to get to the website and order your complimentary copy today!