THANK YOU COSTCO! Now drop Citi Bank and your Insurance Companies!
Photo by Ed Foster at International Licensing Show, Las Vegas 2018

THANK YOU COSTCO! Now drop Citi Bank and your Insurance Companies!

I love SO many things about Costco, and the stores I patronized the most in Miami Lakes, and then Honolulu and Las Vegas. I have many reasons, both personally and professionally. I have to go to take another MRI today so I won't go into detail now. And you can be sure it will be in my book LEGAL LEMONADE? Should I Sue Or Is There A Better Way?

I like to focus on the good. Here is what Costco did today:

I also like to make things better. After all, I am the author of KISSES, the little characters whose eyes are drawn covered because "All that is real is seen with the heart."

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I grew up in Seattle. Have you heard of the Seattle Rain Festival Jan 1 to Dec 31? Costco grew up close by in Kirkland. In fact, the co-founder of Costco, Jeff Brotman was in our circle of friends. My friend Lisa Furer pointed to a wedding ring at Zales on 4th Avenue when we were 13 and told me that was the ring she wanted when she would marry Jeff's brother, Michael Brotman (which she did!) That is another story.

Well, long story short for now, Costco was going to make a KISSES Mother's Day Basket with all the fair trade products I like to endorse and feature me on the cover of their magazine! Fair Trade is one of my big initiatives because I love coffee and chocolate, but I love children more.

I commented about that in Marc Gunther's column many years ago. He wrote GOD AND BUSINESS, and FAITH AND FORTUNE. Love that guy. That's another story.

Did you know that coffee, chocolate, and tobacco are the cause of child SLAVERY in the world? I am not talking about child labor, I am talking about indentured servants "rented" from the parents who pick beans from sunrise to sunset and get sprayed with poisonous chemicals that burn their hands and eyes.

The film by my friend Robin Romano, STOLEN CHILDHOODS, is fabulous and made it to Oprah and Nightline. Robert Redford hosted a series on PBS called THE NEW HEROES. But since Robin died, and Scholastic got the rights, nothing has happened. That's another story.,

Scholastic acquired the rights to my four children's books, including CLEVELAND THE DISCO KING (my first Dance book published in 1979, same year as Dancing in the Rain) and I have not received a royalty since. That is another story.

Anyway, back to Citie which owes me my Costco Rewards for TWO YEARS and some dummy put my payment as a debit instead of a credit, so I couldn't get the cell phone and new computer I needed when I was hacked - or my bananas (for $3.00 you get three pounds of ORGANIC BANANAS at Costco - best deal in town).

But I am mad as hell at Costco's Insurance Company a/k/a Ameriprise, A/K/A IDS, A/K/A Connect Powered by American Family, because they don't listen to Dan Ross (I know how much you've tried, Dan) and why is Costco dealing with insurance and that silly bank?? Here's a taste of that story -- I still have not received a cent, even though I was immobilized and still cannot drive to this day as you can seer:

oops - computer problems. See it later.

Well, I guess that will be another story because I am unable to download it, and since the newest name of Costco Insurance CONNECT POWERED BY AMERICAN FAMILY called and left a voicemail that said they are trying to contact me but my POB 4700, Miami Lakes returned a check to them with a sticker that read "NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED RETURN TO SENDER"

Well, that's a relief. I thought my PI lawyer, David Goldstein, who never paid any of my providers and would not send my file to another lawyer when I terminated his services might have cashed the check, like another lawyer did at another time. THAT is another story too!.

STORIES! Boy have I got a lot, and can they help the world when I get some business savvy influential support. You can help too. Please subscribe to my you tube and bare with me until I get my infrastructure back together and launch my Crowdfuning Telethon Benefits September 6. That's another story....and movie in the making.....

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