THANK YOU to all Thought Leaders who are behind Best-in-Class brands!
Lisa Phillips
He who commits to being a best-in-class brand has chosen to bestow a gift to us all. For one thing, it is the willingness to go out on a limb and shine a bright light on what is OUTSTANDING. GOD forbid we award an individual or brand for being the BEST. It takes courage to have an opinion at a time when the prevailing culture pressures us to equalize. We are told to recognize and award all without regard for excellence... At Madheart, we say RUBBISH! It takes an extraordinary commitment to quality to excel and become best-in-class! It is to them that we bow in awe and offer our support to tell their stories and fuel their engagement!! So there you have it... we are bold and unafraid! Welcome to Madheart Marketing for Thought Leaders and their brands! We make no excuses. We call it like we see it.