Thank you 2020! Welcome 2021!

Thank you 2020! Welcome 2021!

A beautiful end to a more than challenging year.

I end the year with gratitude for everything that happened, for being healthy, for the successes and rewarded efforts, for the lessons and trials, for the peace in some troubled times, for the views I saw, for the love and affection I gave and received.

I am grateful that whatever I could make happen, I did happen. As much as I could help, I helped. Whatever came my way, I seemed to deal with it. Not perfectly, but the lessons don't end…

Tomorrow, in addition to being the first day of the New Year, it is also the third day of the Full Moon and is ideal for starting everything in a new way - diets, thinking, approaches; it is time for purification on a physical, energetic, and spiritual level. I will do fasting, I will change and I will pray for 2021 to bring me an awareness of my mission on this Earth, of my calling, of peace and strength. Hunger heals and sharpens the senses, gives clarity for the important and shows the unimportant.

I will pray to find out if this is what Fate has ordained for me - in this way, and if so - to accept it. If there are dreams I have to say goodbye to, to be able to do it easily and effortlessly. If there are things I need to accept, to do it with dignity. If there are things and people to part with, to not hurt. If there are tears that need to be shed, to have a shoulder on which to cry. If there are still many nights of lonely thoughts, to have the strength to experience them. What lessons are there for me - to learn them so that I no longer experience them in other lives.

I know it is not easy.

I will pray for a lot of strength - for me and for everyone who is going through something difficult. To be able to be a pillar and support, to go through this and come out stronger and more together. Because many battles are ahead, there are many roads and paths to go. I will pray to come together and to find myself in the best way, to attract the right things for me and my mission.

To YOU I wish a happy 2021! To make your unfulfilled dreams come true! To find your inner strength to realize and fight for your important things. To find your meaning in your days and nights. To find the way to those with whom you are lost, but you want them to walk the way with you. May your soul and heart be light, and may you wake up happier every day than the previous one!

I wish you to live 2021 in such a way that on its last day you could say to yourself

"It couldn't be better than that"!


Prof. Daniela Ilieva, PhD的更多文章

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