Thank you 2020, I am living my DREAM
Marina Bay, Singapore

Thank you 2020, I am living my DREAM

2020 defied description in many ways, but even as I bid this indescribable year goodbye, I must share with you the ways in which 2020 has allowed me to pursue and live my DREAM.

This year, I stepped into a new venture (so new that it barely had a name when I joined), in a newly created role that is drawing from every aspect of my experiences and driving me to keep learning. I had video interviews and did not meet my boss - in person - until I arrived in Singapore. I relocated during the pandemic and, as borders began to shut, I was granted five months of family time which turned out to be so precious.

This is what I mean by living my DREAM:

Dare to do different

Reject excuses

Embrace the new and unknown

Adopt an enquiring mindset

Master the Phygital WorkLife

Dare to do different

What I mean by ''do different'' is to be an in-betweener.

Looking back, I have often made unconventional choices. Instead of staying in the capital city of Malaysia, I chose to begin my banking career in the beautiful northern city-state of Penang, where I experienced accelerated growth in credit skills in a smaller set-up. I switched paths into insurance to gain greater regional exposure and held P&L responsibilities at age 26. When I was transferred to London, I was the only Asian with P&L and managerial responsibilities in the UK division.

I continued to seek roles that allowed me to be an in-betweener - to cross disciplines - adding M&A, cyber, digital banks and digital assets to my repertoire.

I believe that the amalgamation of all of my choices, experiences and skills has led me to this singular opportunity to do what I do today.

In fact, I could not have planned this better. The only thing within my control was to keep pursuing opportunities that interest me, excite me and challenge me.

Reject excuses

This has not been an easy year, by any measure.

Still, it is not an excuse.

Being surrounded by high-performance teams means that we reject excuses for non-performance. I am learning not to take ''no'' for an answer. I am figuring out ways to make things happen.

This attitude extends beyond work. Cancelling my gym membership is not an excuse for the decimation of my step count. Instead, I am creating new outdoor workout regimens for myself. Working from home is not an excuse for eating unhealthily or snacking uncontrollably. On the contrary, I am preparing more meals on my own - this is a big deal because I do not allow myself to use ''cooking is not my forte'' as an excuse anymore.

And there really is no excuse not to stay in closer contact with our loved ones, near and far. Being more isolated this year, than we have ever experienced in recent memory, can have detrimental effects on our well-being. I have been on more personal video and voice calls this year, than any other year, with family and friends around the world. It might be a while before we can meet face-to-face safely and do things like this.

So make no excuse to speak to someone. We might need it as much as they do.

Embrace the new and unknown

Let's face it - things are never going back to ''normal''.

I encourage everyone to get involved with new ventures because the velocity of innovation and new ideas perpetuated by new ventures is necessary for our growth.

There are many ways to get involved. For example, I supported a corporate executive angel investing network; pushing the limits of my comfort zone by helping to build something never created before.

In my current role, I help bring new technology to manage cyber and digital risk. Working with a portfolio of growth companies means that I am constantly developing ways to help them scale, and that in turn, feeds into the loop of innovation. The critical step, is to take that first step: just try it. That is the only way we gain feedback. Then make quick (not perfectly analysed) decisions, institute changes and repeat the process.

Whenever I am faced with uncertainty, I have learnt to trust my instinct and take action, just like the way I jumped off a cliff three years ago.

Adopt an enquiring mindset

''I do not know what I do not know''

That is the most common phrase I hear. While it is acceptable to acknowledge that ''I do not know'', it is even more crucial to #staycurious and ask.

I build knowledge and trust by asking questions.

How does this help?

Before asking a question, I have to formulate an opinion, a hypothesis, a gap in understanding. I may have asked Google or Audible or more learned colleagues, to frame my understanding. Having an opinion matters; it drives the line of enquiry, and it triggers a reaction or response. That becomes feedback.

And this allows me to build. Knowledge. Trust. Resilience.

Master the ''Phygital'' WorkLife

This is a whole new world.

I interviewed for my current role under lockdown conditions. Every conversation I had with my current organisation (before joining) was held via video calls. I did not even meet the Asia-Pacific-Japan team until after I had arrived in Singapore and cleared the Stay-Home-Notice protocol.

Here is how I prepared: I researched everything I could about the (then un-named) organisation, the people, the mission. I formulated my proposal for how I would use my knowledge to help realise the mission. I used examples of my achievements, experiences and most importantly, opportunities that I could see as forming the bedrock for success.

Initially, I used my phone for the video calls. I learnt that content contributed a certain element to the discussion, but the energy I projected made up for a lot more than I had expected (compared to an in-person meeting). I used my hands and gestures to animate my delivery. I smiled more.

Now that I am in this role, I am still running video calls - everyday. So I have made it my mission to do it well and to master it.

I also try to organise in-person meetings whenever possible. I realised that, after months of lockdown, I had to re-acquaint myself with bumping fists (or elbows), making small talk, observing body language, running discussions where there is no mute button or screen sharing or the ability to stop ''at the top of the hour''.

That is the challenge of our Phygital WorkLife - to do well in the physical-digital space.

Finally, help someone out

When I attended this workshop, I heard the professor end by saying "take care of yourself, and if you can, take care of someone else''.

That feels so much more urgent for a year like this.

I hope that sharing my experience will help someone - in any small way - to stay focused on going for your DREAM, in 2021 and beyond.

Author: Sue Yen LEOW

I am a multi-disciplinary risk specialist and I work with clients and investors to address their digital and cyber risk management needs.

I am interested in growth-stage startups specialising in enterprise cybersecurity services. I share research and analysis on cyber and digital risk topics #istaricyber

I write about learning new skills to make our Phygital (physical + digital) WorkLife more fulfilling and share thoughts on how to bridge the corporate and new venture divide. 

#phygitalworklife #digitalresilience #fireinmybelly #sueyenleow

OMG Sue Yen I have been so worried about you. I am happy to hear you are back in Singapore. Call when you can.

Lalita Raman

Role Transitions Thinking Partner & Sounding Board, Author, Ted(x) Speaker,Leadership & Communications Coach & Facilitator, ICF PCC, Masters in Change Insead

3 年

Loved your picture, and your post captures what you truly love abd encourages others to do the same. Loved it Sue Yen LEOW

Aishah Fauzi

Co-founder and CEO at Nadi Nature Resort and Nadi Farm Cafe, members of the Nadi Hospitality Group

3 年

Stunning! (you, and the scenery is pretty good too :-))

Sharon Mullan

Service industry professional with over 30 years experience of leading global project and operations delivery teams. Passionate about building global communities of practice in project and change management.

3 年

fabulous to see you thriving Sue Yen! May you continue to live your DREAM & use that incredible energy to support new ventures!

Lou Baran

Chief People Officer at ISTARI

3 年

And that’s why we are thrilled to have you part of the ISTARI team. ?Great post and good lessons for us all. ?


